Bates - BT825 B37 1683

The Epiale Dedicatory. 'tis an infallible Truth, as certain a the Word of Clod, 'tis a Miracle to aftonifh Heaven and Earth, that Men live as carele/ly as if theyfhould never die, and die as fecurely as i f they jhould not live in the next fiate, to re- ceive the juf punifhment of their Sins. They are fearlefs 0)0 Death is far off in their thoughts and when 4ge has plowed upon their heads, that no Marks ofdecaying Nature fhould ap- pear, make their own Winter to flourig) with anothers Spring. but 'tis in vain , for Death knows them under their difguife, and will not flay beyond - -the appointed time. And in that deci- f ve hour, Infidelity or Prefumption hardens Men to pafs a quietly and: boldly inappearance into another world, as unfeigned Faith,and a regular lively ,Mope in the Promifes of the GofM. Ent a5 deceitful Phyfck flops the Fit for the prefent, that will return more tialeratly andfatally afterwar-ds : So a counterfeit