Bates - BT825 B37 1683

upon DEATH. 77 of Death there : all miferies are vanifh'd, and all that is defirea- ble is poffefs'd by the Saints : the. Circle of their Employment is to enjoy and praife the Divine Goodnefsfor ever. Now is not the bleffed ex- change a Chriflian makes of the. prefent Life, for that which is infinitely better,fuicient tomake Death not fearful, nay defìrable tohim ? And this Happinefs was purchas'd for us by the everlal$- ing Treafure of our Saviour's 'Blood. The fatisfation of his Sufferings was meritorious, as the Merits of his aaive Obedience was fatisfying. Before I proceed to the third Head, I {hall refolve a Q eßion, How it comes to pals, fence Be- lievers are freed from the flingof Death,