Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

tpp fipift~e p~Jica~otJ: ' . . riili th~ Sufpjcion that ~he ~efire of ,{q·:· much~ Concord' with ·· Franfe iq ..:t hu.rch ~6nfiitution qnd ~overn~ ~"'):' , _. ~· .· ' ' ' ' I ' 1 ine.nt, will intima.te aprep~r~tion to 'another Relation~ to them, which /inglatJdcannqt 'l:>ear w1th eafe. . .I '. And we are loth to 'be .difabled A • r • . • ,.._ · l Jo ' ~onfu~e rh~ Sep~r4tifts, that wjJl · ·never be recon~iled to the Church.of ~P,g{qnd; 1.f tqey - ~~n . . £1y that· ~~ · i~ revol~ed to' 1 S~bjeCtlOQ to the £a,. · piff:s ., ... ,, ·' · · .· · · · ' l ' ':Jjut \vhy .fhould we doub~ whe:– ther' the Convocation will renounce ~ha~ which b~th 'themfel ves ~L~d alJ the Church and Kingdol11are Sworn ~gainft,~ven all .E.~ckft·afii~aJ F~reigr\ Jurifchcrion. ··· · · ·· , 1 · · · ~ - li.'-' Th~ f}eafon~ why .I prefume . to ·de4r.e you to be: ~l1e Man that: fualJ prefenr"chls ]3ook ~nq ·Motion • r. fq rh~.m ? '' · .ar~ I.{e . it ~s · fcl ~ ~- that Cufto1n rn'lketh the Dean ot . ... . , ... . ' . ·• "' .• ! '. . , y;' :' i • , Paul's : ;,. ~i ~ { ·-'