Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 84 J .. ~ .. outlp, t~att t~ere arc manr t~iug~ in tbc ([tttrc~ of Rome \Ul)ict it ma~ to be \uiffJetJ tl)at t~e ([l)urcl) of Engla_nd l)atJ fiill obferben,a~ ([onfctrion., \tll)tcl) it couln not. be ncnten but tl)at <lBon l)an rommanneu ft, ann '~apet fo~ tl)e Wean, \nl)idJ t~ one of tl)e mofi autl)entick an'O ancient ~~6lctice~ of tl)e <lLl)ttfitan lReligion ; ~ut a~ to tl)emfclbe~., tl)ep mane ufe tl)ere.of in p~ibate., witl)out making pttblick p~ofeffion tl)ercof• .a~ 31 p~e1Ien one of tlJtfe ~iilJop~ upon tlJe o:: tl)er . l_Woint~ of ([ontroberfie., ann p~inctpallp on tl)e reall_EI~efence of 31cfu~ · <lLl)~ift in tpe ll)olp sa"' rramcnt of tl)e .altar, ~e anf\nercn me frcelp., <([gat mere l;e a([atl)olick, l)e ~roouln not clJang-e m eligton, but tl)at l)abing been cnuc~tcu in a<!Cl)urcl) in 'rol)icl) be belicben tl)erc \na~ an tl)at ma~ ncceffarp to ~albatio n, anti tl)ere l)·autng receiuen lJi~ jjl3aptifm.,. r l)e tl)ou~l)t l)e couln not quit it \llitl)out great tscannal• .an tl)i~ Wj fcottrfe ferbetl but to incrcafe tl)e at:: bent l!cfire \nl)icl) ] l)a'O to become a ([atl)olick, ann 31 fdt in\nat'O pain~ ann l)o~tible l:lifqttiet~ after tl)e ([onberfation ] l)a?J \nitl) tl)efe tmo ~i"' fiJops. ' . , , j]}ebertl)elef~ tl)at 31 mi!Jl)t not p~ccipitatc in an .9ffair of tl)i~ ]mpo~tance, ann \nbere mp faalba:: tion ma~ concernetl, 31 entleabourcn to fati~fie mp fclf entirelp. 31 p~apcn <lBo'O \nitl) all mp teart to . ralm mp troublen ~intl bp makin~ me to knom tl)t 1Jrrutl), tbe fearcb of ml)iflJ l)a'O eaufen mp trott::o I!le. :ll5eittlb in tbi~ ([ort'IJition., 31 \ncpt at Chria~ mas to tl)c llling~ ([bapd to recei\le tl;c fiaacrament., ml;ic!) put mr soul into nctotrottblc~, mi)icl) con:: t imtcu till 31 uifcobete'Omp Uate of ~inn to a ([a:: · tl)olict, mvo to lnocure me tl)erecofeann tranquil:: . l: .. litp