Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ y6 J 'tmderfiood, and that this appeareth by the plates ' both of Holy Scripture, and of fuch as have ' ever been of great Authority in the Church,/ ' which are cited in the Margin of the Canons of 'Trent. . Page j 5. ' And this is it which the Synod of ' Trent £1ith, That in that Sacrament Jefus Chrift ' true God and truely Man, is r€:a:lly and fubftan– ~ rially contain~d under the form of tho{e fenfible , ' things : Yet not according to) the Natural man-_ ' ner ofexifiing, but Sacrarnemally, and by that ' way of exjfting, which . though we cannot c;x- .' prefs in words, yet may we by Cogitation illu– ' {l:rated by Faith be certain that to God it is pof– ' fible. (,The Councils expreffions are , that ' [There umade a change of the whole fubftance of · 'the Erectd into the B<;dy, and of the wholefubftance 'ofWine into the Blood; Which Converfton theCa- ~ 'tholick. ca!leth Tranfubftantiation. , ' . Page 79.' ' When the Synod of Trent faith, ' That the Sacrament is to be adored with Di– ' vine vVorJhip it , Intends no more, but that ' the Son ofGod himfelf is to be a~ored. Page 14. ' GrotitM difiinguifheth between the 'Opinions ofSchool·men, which oblige no Man, ' ( for faith Melchior Canus our Church alloweth 'us great liberty) and therefore could give no ' jufi caufe ofdeparting ( as the Protefiams did ) ' and between thofe things that are d#ined by ' ' Councils. . ·· ' Even by that .of Trent: The Aets of which if ' any Man read with amind propenfe to peace, he 'will find that they may be explained fitly and ·a– ' greeably to the places of Holy ....crip,ture and of ~ the ancient Doetors that are put in the ~.1argin. ~-And-