Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

• [ IOO J · I have formerly faid that worthy fv1r. Er~skin yet living, ( fince. dead) ,told me that Petavius told him that Grotius was refolved to have de– clared hirnfelf forth~ Church of Roine, and joyn– ed with them ifhe had returned fafe from the Journey he died in. Henr. Valefius in his Funeral Ora'tion on Petavius faith, p. 684. Batefii Collert. [' -0!_jd non prtiftitit ut ' clariUimum Vir11,m Hugonem Grotium adCatholicam ' Communionem adduceret ? Erat ille qt-tidem minime d 'nobis alienus, & pcene nofter, quippe qr-ti doilrinam ' Tridentini Concilii in omnibus fefe amplecti palam .'profiteretur. Id unum fupererat, ut Ecclejitt Sacra– ' riam ingrejfus Communionem , noftram Sociaretur. ' .Q::od ille nefdo qutU ob cauf as dum ad Cat holictt fidei 'unitatem pbtrimos fecum fperat adducere Confulto dif- ,' ferebat. \, But I make no other mens, but his own words· the Index of his Faith. Chap VII. Of the feveral forts ofConciliators or Peace-makers ahout our Controverfies witb the'!ap;Jls. § r. JF any iball think that I who have · ·much time and labour. for the Churches peace, am now againft it, or would raife difho– nourable fufpicions, on ariy jufl: endeavours to rhat end, they will utterly mifiake me. . There are divers forts of Endeavours for peace with the Papifts, by real Protefiants. ~ z. I. The old Conformifis tbac prevailed again!l: the Diifenters in Quaen Eliz.abeth's days, · - w~r!i: •