Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

The Epiflle Dtldicatory~ a Vniting Fornz of Concord) that I · . n1ay 'onfid.endy expect your beft Affiftance~ · / If any iliould J~e · (o advetfe -to ._ dlis ·Neceffary ·Wor~ as to turn . it ~ff by . diverting to · Accufation a– :j;ainft n1e , or 'the Nonconformifts, ·l pray reU them how impertinent t:hat is to the prefent Bufinefs : And if \ it be needful~ lhew them n1y Treatifo for National Churches, and c:hat~ of ,Fpifcopacy; and my Engli/h JVonco1lfornJity jlated and argued: And whereas I an1 faid to have refufed 'a • :B1fhoprick becaufe I was·againfr ~pifcopacy, be it knJwn· that in -I6'6I, , the Pacificators ·never offered a'ny · ' thing lower than ArchbifhopV/hels ~ Model of the Primitive Epifcopacy: And: when the ·King's Declaration , granted us lefs , we Publilhed a Th;ankfid Acceptance. . And I gave in \\Fri:ting the R.eafons Qf n1y Re... , fufal