Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

• ( IOZ J {hip on pretence of Obedience to the Canons of c,=oundls. Yea Come condemn thofe as Schifma– ticks, yea as in a fiate ofDamnation who are not in thefe matters of their mind.· It is thefe that I · am againft. · · . § 3. While I oppofe thefe, I fiill own my fore– faid reconciling Books, and no reproach of thofe that run into a contrary extream iball ever drive me from the true terms of Peace, nor to defire a– ny cruelty againft them, or any of their Suffer– i.ngs but what necefiary defence (of Soul and . Body) require : And though· my Expofition of the Revelation have offended many , upon far clofer fiudy of it fince, I am not lefs bu~ more perfwaded that Pagan Rome was Baby/on, and that ']ohnFox ( Martyrol. Vol. I. p. III. who took his Oath of a Divine Revelation to him , . which brought him to take the Pagan Empire for the Eeafi: with Seven Heads. and Ten Horns, and to expound troe Times and Thoufand years accord– ingly) is much to be regarded : But if I be un– (:ertain of fuch points, I will rath~r fufpend my Judgment, than in uncertainty venture o·n any thing that is againfi: Chrifiian Love and Peace. I hold Communion with the Romans in Chrifi:iani 4 ty, though not in Popery: I take all true Chrifii– ans among them for Part of the Catholick Church of Chrifc, though I t~ke their pretended Catho- 'lick Church as Headed by the Pope, for no Church of Chrift at all, nor as Headed by any \:.lfurping Humane Head whatfo~ver. . • • Chap~