Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

.. [ 104 ] (b) How .much that is fee in ~heir Patriarch 'fe– remia-r, and in the Copncil ~t Florence. / . I (c) The very worft of ,, Popery was brought in by Hildebrand long before four hundred years laft : And he that can receive all that their Councils brought in till r 2 56. need not ftick at nny@f the reft fave Tr:m– fubftantiatio~ : We cannot obey the Pope as Patriarch . and Univerfal Primate , though he would quit the laft four hundred years additions : Nor think this ~quitting Popery. Page Sr. ['I know no ' Member of the Greek· ' Church that give them ' (the Popes) either more ~or lefs than I do. (b) Page 82: 'To wave ' their Iaft four hundred ' years determinations is ' implicitely to renounce , ' all the necelfary Caufes . ' of this great Schifm. ' And to reft fatisfied with ' their old ·Patriarchal ' Power and Dignity, and ~ Primacy ofOrder (which ~ ' is another part of my · ' Propolicion , is to quit • (;the Modern Papacy borh ~ Name and Thing. (c) -Page 84. ' in th~ firft place if the Bifbop of 'tRome were reduced from his Univerfality ofSo~ ' yereign Jurifdietion Jure Div1no,to his Principium 'Vnitatu, and his Court regulated by the Canons 'of the Fathet:s, which was the fence of the Coun- ' 'ci}s qf Can{tance and Bajil, and is deftred by ma~ ' ny Roman Catholicks as well as we. - 2. If ' th~ Creed or necefi'ary Points ofFaith were re~ ' duced to what they were inth~ time of the four · 'firft Oecumenical Councils according to the De- . · . ' cree of the third General . (d) Dt~ rh; thlr~ ty~ ~s 'Council, (d) admitting to the fom th . . , dd' . l A . l b . ' · no a mona rue es ut ~only neceffary Explications, and thofe to be . ~ m~de by- th~ Authori~y of a General Cou~ciJ, ' 0~