Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

· ~rchbijbop Laud,s own words as laid down in h~ ' Book_ defended by Dr. Stillingfleet. § r• The ·Arch8iiliop difdaimeth the Divine · Infiitution and the Infallibility of General Coun– cils: But he thinks we mufi allow them [' exter– ' nal Obedience ; and that honour and priviledge ,'which all other GREAT COURTS have; that 'there be a Declaration of the invalidity of their ~ Decrees, . as well as of the LAWS of other 'Courts, before private Men can take Liberty to ' refufe Obedience. Part. 3. c. 2~ _ . · And page 5 4o. 'It cloth not follow becaufe the ' Church may erfe, that therefore fhe may not 'govern. For the Church.hath not only a Pa– ' .fioral Power to Teach and DireCt, but aPra?co.. 'rian Power eo controul and cenfure too, where 'Errors and Crimes are againfi funda.memal P9inrs, 'or of great Confequence. J Thus .the Arch· 'bilhop. , , It is the Univerfal Church and Councils that he (peaks of. But, I. There is no fuch thing oa · .Earth as he calls the Church, that is, One Univer"':' fal Arifiocracy that bath Power of Governing all the Chrifiian World in one Council or otherwife, , as one £upream. . . ~ 2. General Councirs of divers Kingdoms o,re all the Wodd, are no more a Court than the Affembly at Nimegum was. · 3. No Obedience is due to them , but only · -'onfent for Concord , fo far as their Canons, rend to true Concord , and that by virtue of Chtifi's Law; for Peace and Concord. Obe~ dience hath no formal ObjeCt but Atttl~orita.:. I . tcm •