Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

.TO THE ,. . READER~ ' THis Book._ b~ing Written .at fevera! tin;es, 111ofl of·it 111any Tears ago, . · and [o11ze 'lately, andanfwering nzany Perfons n;ho' ufe the [a111e Argu- ., 1!tents, it hath one blemifh whicf? I anz ajbanzed of i7l the review; thqt is, The top oft rep,eating' i(Je [ante things ; e(pe– c~ally in 111)' four Letters to BijhopGun' irig ·; occafioned by ~ur oft repeatilig . .thenz in Conference. l he thing is_ ·ufital in long Difputa'tions, (as .hi the School$ men , in Dr. Twiffe Vind. Grat. and fuch others, the Adverfary nzak.,ing it needful;) But I anz far f ront ju{iifyin;; it ... . Had I intended it as one orderly !reatzJe at firft ·, and not written the "' ~ · ~Parts