Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

( i2)] treys Mahometans or Papifts, but fuchas the Princes iike, and– that they dare not·go againft their wills in any great matter. 7· Theirminds·are known already, and confequently what they would do in Councils, if all thefe Princes would agree to call an Univerfal Council. The Major Vote, ' if it were called in Mefopotamia, or that way would be fuch as Rome calleth He– reticks: If called in Greece it would be Greeks: Ifin Itaq, or Germa'll)', or France, they would be Papifts; no where Prop teftants. Few would travel above a thoufand miles to the Council. 8. Tho' one would think that this platform of Governing the whole Earth, could be believed by no man in his wits, yet you fee Learned men are fo far deceived : And it is by judging of theWorld by the Old Roman Empire. There indeed Councils were Nationally General :They were CoNrts : They had 'Legiflative Power and PFetorianCommand: None might appeal from them for Relief in Foro Humano. Emperors– gave them this Power. It was but rational, over their own SubjeCts: What Power had they over others? TheConvoca– tion inEngland, or the General Affembly inScotland may be made and called a Court by the King: But France or Spain were never Governed by them, nor took them to be over them unqueftionable Legiflators: Yea, I belie'4e King and Par– liament at home are not fo fubj.ect to their Laws. , I Page 27, He faith (as Mr. Doclwell) ~ It is ' agreed on by the whole Church, that Bapttfm in ' Herefie or ·Schifm (that is, when a man gives· 'up himfelf to the Communion-of Hereticks or 'Schifrnaticks by receiving Baptifm fi·om them). ' though it may be true Baptifm, and not to be ' repeated, yet it is not ' available to Salvation, (d) ·And arenotthe~e un– ' making him acceifory to meretful men~hat wllllet 'H c . . men take up w1th a damnere11e or Sch1fm that IS ing Baptifm and will not ' fo Baptized. ( d) · rebaptize them that they . . , may have a faving Baptrfm, whtch yet they hold necelfary to Salvation? They fear Anabaptiil:n it fcems mon; than mens Damnation. Pag. z8. ~ The promife of Bapti{m is n0t availd . ~ able, / / . •