Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

( I3'I J them afl ( that is meer Man) they ought to have• .Audite Reges., I .cannot conjecture who he mean· eth unlefs it be, the Pope, and he be of Cardinal. Bertrand's mind, that God had not been wife if hehad not ·made one Man a Vice-God, ·or his De~ · puty to Rule all the World : For·fure he never dreamed that all Kings and States on Earth would ·meet or voluntarily agree to chufe one Univerfal King over them. I met newly with an extraordinary Wit, who faith that'after the Conflagration, in the lV1illen) nium of the New Heaven and Earth, Chrifi or his Vice-Roy will triumphantly Rule) &c. But . 1 . I never read before of a Vice-Roy after the Conflagration, \:vhich he faith will firfi cDnfume Amichrifr. 2. 1 know· not how much of the New World he affigns to this Vice-Roy's Govern ment ; for if Gog and Magog after cover the . . ·· Eanh, and the New Generation be numerous, (which he.thiaks the Earth will bring forth like lower Animals,) it ·may be the New 1eruf alem may be fo fmall that one Vice·Roy ·may Rule it. 3· But ftarechat holy Generation will make Go– vernment and ·obedience far ·eafier things than now they are. · . ' Chap. XIV. 'I)r. SayweJl's Arguments for a Foreign Jurifdillionconfidered. '§ I. THis Dr. · ( \vho -I may tvell fu.ppqfe · fpeaketh Ius Lord and Ma fter~ fence ) 'is fo open as to let us kno\v, I. That '!t is the topQs Power above General Council.r, which they cali K 2 cfoJJery . •