Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[145] of [fobftance] and when they ha,.re done, fa}' that God bath no accidents, do not by the Word [ fubftance] add any plainnefs to the Scripture phrafe. . · And how little the Council at Conftantinople and Chalcedon did to end the Contmverfies ofPrelates, and unite the Church, by fetting Conffantinople '– and Rome in mutual Jealoufies and Competition, the World knows. ' And what the Councils at Ephefm and chacedon did to end .the Controverfies about the Nefiorian and Eutychian points, or that at c. P. againfi the Monothelites, or that under Juflini!ln d~ tribvu ca– pitulu, Mr, Morice and you cannot keep theWorld from kno)Ving; nor yet what all the Councils a.. bout Images, fome for .them, and fome againlf them, have done. Are they the only means of ending Controver-' \ lies, I. \Vho do end none? 2. Who have moll increafed them? 3· Who are the greatefi Con– troverfie themfelves? The World will never be agreed which are to be taken for General Coun~ cils Authoritative and which nQt ; nor can you give us any thing that bath the iliadow of reafon to fatisfie any impartial Man : And no wonder when indeed there never was an Un~verfal Coun– cil in the VVor1d. All true Chrifiians are agreed in all that · ··con– . fiituteth Chrifiianity : And it is not the Autho~ rity ofCouncils that made them Chrifiians, and · fo agreed them. And to dream of ending all Controverfies about leifer matters, as long as men are fo ignorant and imperfeCt, as all ar.e in this VVorld, is the part of no Man in his VVits. § l'' Page 345· Dr.s. [,'Accordin;)ytheChH... , L , ~ffian ' . . ~ •