Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

( I)I ) fical Evidence ofthe certainty of their being what they pretend ; even fuch a cQnfent of Men of crofs Interefts and Difpofitions in the compafs of a Land where the fact may beknown, as cannot be counterfeited or falfe. But about Cou.ncils the cafe is quite otherwi(e. I. ihe moll of the Church do not fo mQch a~ think that there are , any fqch Councils, or at leafi never did bold it till the Papal Ufurpation, that they had a Soveraignty over all the Et\rth. -- II. They are utterty d~f'\-g_eerq how, tn<Iny and which are to_ be receiv€d· III. They q.r,e di(agreeq which be th~ir Canons ? Even of the firft at Nit;e,how long did three Popes contend aboq~ it with the Alri\an B_iiliops ~ .And fince Pifanm and Turrian brinK us f9rth 8o Canons in~ead of zo, which the unlearoed Africans te.. ce1ve. IV. They are not agreed oftheir Canons fiill bind, a.nd which not ~ nor which are d~ jidq, and whi_ch not : MaQY (a~ the 20th (lt !lice) are laid by without anx Co\Jp<;il~ r~p~al. · .IV. And the Wodd i~ (o wq~;:h bigger than Btitain, that i~ is QQ~ (o ~aGe tO be fure of the fence qf 41l (;hr,~{lians about the Matter. And how{bquld it whep i~ wa~ gev~,r agt:eed on from the firfr? If by the Ohurih .A.Els you fuould mean the Decrees of later Coqn~Hs , that is to prove igno– tum per ignotiru. Hqw knqw we which Councils to believe wheQ fo many· ~ondenm.Gd one another? And ifth~ Sixth. w4s th.~ laft,th~re came noneafter to notifje the re~ep,~ion of it. And whereas yqq fay that. thofe of Efh. z. and Nic€ zcl, W(re when they were k~ld, tJn..d ?fJany Years f L 4 after ' ' ..