Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 1 59] the Prophets a~e fubjeef to the Prophets: For God is not the Author of Confufion, but of Peace, tU in all the Churches of the Saints.] , · Anfw. Reader, Do you think this proveth that the whole Church on Earth is under one humane So– veraignty inat bath aLegiflative and Judging Power. I· This Text fpeaketh only of the avoiding Dif– order in particular Affemblies by the means which they had prefent there among them. To keep them from [peaking two at once, and fuch like ~ Diforders : As the Archi-Synagogoi were ufed to · do in the Jews Synagogue. And mufi a Council from all the Earthbe gathered to that Affernbly to rebuke fuch Diforder ? If it rnuft be but to make a General Law to forbid it, that's done al– ready in Scripture and in Nature : And mull: the· World meet to do it again? 2. Their Dr. Hamond faith, that this Text fpeak– eth of the Spirit in each Prophet being fubjeet to· . himfelf, that is, to his .own reafon, and that the Spirit moveth them not to fpeak irregularly and confufedly : And what's this to the Power of Councils? 3· If it were fpoken of the other prefent Pro· phets, what's this to Men that are no Prophets, and that are dead I ooo Years ago ? Are not pre– fent Pafior.s fitter Moderators of their Affembly,. than aGeneral Council of dead Men ? §'; I I. Nett he that fo condemneth me as an Oppofite, citeth my words as granti'ng his Caufe 5 yet this reconcileth him not: I am not fo idle as to write him a Commentary . of my own words ; ' for, 1can devife no plainer. Only I may tell him that he too quickly forgot that Bad 1.5 not the Au– rhor_ of Confufion : and therefore it is not lovely : A \