Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

( 165] t:•ept only the Jefuited part of the R~man and ot her Q~~~ . Anfw. So you take ·in the Church of Rome, whiCh you cannot do without taking in the pre– tended Soveraignty E!fenrial to it. W~s not that Church Papal before there were any Jefuites? But hold, Dr. It's France that you are firfr Uni- , ting with:- and they fay , that the Jefuites are there the Predominant pare. Ano are you again{l: them there? §. 18. P. 360. 'He takes it ' ill that I fuppofe him to [{!parace from the Church of England, I have fully given him here my proof. The C~mrch , of England t9ok not it felf for a pare of an ·uni– verfal humane Political Church.' But his Church cloth, and is thereby of another folicical Species, . as aCity differeth from a Kingdom. I will not tire the Reader with following him any further. Vain ~ontenders neceffitate us to be over tedious. , §. 19. I am loth here to anfwer the 1·eil: of his Book againft our Nonconformity; 1. Becaufe I would not follow them that decoy , and divert ·Men' from the fiate ofour chiefControver6e, to hide their De.Ggn. 2. Becaufe it feemeth to me to be of no ufe : He .that will not read irnpar- .tially what we fay as ~en as they, \.-vill never be cured of his Errours ·by any thing that we can w'rite. And he that will ,impartially read but my firfi Plea for Peace, Apology, and Treatife of Epifcopacy, and take this Book to be -a Satisfa– ctory anfwer , ihall never be troubled ' by my r Replyes, no more than the difiracted. §. 20. This much I iliall prefume to fay, lefi he expect fome account of his Succefs upon my felf: M 3 ' I. That