Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

./ [ 1 74] mens Baptizing as the Papills are , in cafe of dan-: ger. But the Name of the Church will warrant fuch Lords to prove ~an fuch Declarations, Subfcrip- . tions, Oaths, not ;only finlefs, but oeceifary to Order, Peace, Obedience, Mini{try, ·and I think to Salvation: For they make Schifm Damning, and fuch Obedience neceffary to efcape Schifm. Bu~ he hath one cleanly ihift) Though the Cor– poration Declaration, be, that [there is no Obli– gation from theCovenant on me or any other perfon, J and aMan think that fome are obliged by it a– gainfi: Schi{m, Popery and Pro;hanel!efs, and to re-~ pent of Sin. J He faith no Man is forced to take thefe Declarations, Vefi:ry Oaths, &c. For 'he may chufe~ ano.none confiraineth .hirn to be in Corporation trufi, or a Vefiry-man, and fo a Min'ifter , fo the Act was to appropriate this fweet Morfel of fo Swearing declaring, &c. to themfelves : And to themfelves let it be appro– priated for me. And yet when all the Corpora- . tion~, Vefir-ies and Minit1ry are conititutt:::d as they are) -- this is the necefTary UnityBut Obedience to the Church fol veth all. I once askt a Convocation man, what were the Words of God by which this Article was proved and pail: in the Convocation, and he -could not name me any Te~t that perfwaded the Convoca~ tion to pafs it; but told me Dr. P. Guning, urged it [o hard, that they yielded to him without much contra– diEt-ion : I was not willing to believe that the - ' Church ofEngland would pafs an Article ofFaith againfi their Judgments to avoid firiving with one man, when in impo!ing it they mufi: firive againft and filence thoufands, ·and condemn·mofi: of the . Reformed