Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 5 J rals, and Mutinies of Souldiers, delivered up the Empire to the Infidels. And the Bifhop of Rome became the Chief Rebel, and fet up the French in the Wefiern Empire, againfl his Lawful Prince, and furthered the .Divifion of the Empire to it~ Ruine. But this Divifion occafioned an Univer.:. fal Claim. § V. In all the old Contefis it never came in– to the mind of the Emperors or· the Councils, to _fe't up a Government over all the World, but on– ly in the Empire : They never Summoned the Bia1ops ofall the World but ohly of the Empire (and not mofr of them. J As I have oft faid, The Subfcriptions yet tell us that it was the Hi!hops of rhe Roman'Provinces. But the Empire being large, they ufed fometime the [welling phr4lfe of totim Orbu , meaning Orbis Romani : And the Greek Patriarchs never dreamed of a Jus Divi– m~m, or Eltablilhment by Chrift, or his Apofiles, much lefs of an Univerfal Power : For they all knew that Conftamir,JOple had n6 fuch pretence, being anew Erected Seat ; -And they were not fo impudent as to profefs to fee a Humane Law a~ gain!l: a Divine: And the Roman Biiliop long \-vent no higher, nor ever ufed that Argument a– gainfi Conftantinople [My Power is of God and yoMrs but ofMen] which had been mofi obviom and un– r,efiftible, and therefore would have been ·ufed, had it been true and then believed. But at lafl:, from the Name of Saint Peterls Suc– ceifor., the Pope began a double new Claim.· I. TQ A DIVINE RIGHT. 2. TO TilE GO– Vi:.RNMENT .0 FALL THE WORLD (of Chrifi:ians at lea{[. ) And the breaking of the Empire neceffitated him to this pretence which · B 3 his •