Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 8 ] And whenby his better skill in Computation he,prevailed the Holy Scots for .the Roman time of Eafter, the Merit of that, and that he was ~he firft that brought in linging by Antiphons 1 and the Benedictine Monkery were good werks which he pleaded againfi diminifhmg his Biihoprick: JtJ!. L11almesbury, p. I 5I. -- The mofl: Learned were placed at Canterbury, Viz., Odo, Dtmftane, fpecially Lanfrank!;, Anfelme;., &c. whofe Miracles by the Monks are magnified beyond belief, which tended much to advance ~hei r Interefi. But what the generality of the :Bifhops were long, judge by the~ words of N.[almef– bury de geft. Font. Li . I. p. n6. [[peaking howSti– p,andm gotboth the Bjfhopricks of Winehe{fer and Canterbury, and how Sacrilegious and Wicked a Life he lived, felling Bifhopricks and Abbies, of unbounded Ambition and Covetoufnefs,- adds, [ Sgd ego conjicio iRum non j udicio fed errore peccare, . quod homo illueratu-s ( jtcuti pleriq; & pene omneJ tunc temporis A n;,lite Epi[copi )' ne{ciret quantum deliquerit, rem Ecclefiafticorum negotiorum ficut publicorum aEli– t.::t,ri exiftimaiJs,] that is, [But I coniefJure tkat he Ji1med not kpowingly but by error ; That being an 1//i--; terat e Man, ( & mo[t and almoft all the Bijhops of England thm were ) he k,.new not how . mur;h heotran;-:.._ grejfed; thinking that Chlf,_rchm.atters were to·be ma- - ltaged likg Pub!iclz matter I, J ( that is fecular.) · _And this was in good K. Edward's Reign, and at the Conqueft. And is it any wonder if fuch Bi· fbops broQgbt in Popery. And though the Con– queror. firove .not till he was fetled, he and his ~on ·aft~t him .wer~ fain tp be refolute in defend– :mg themf~lvesagamft their own Prelates and the fop~: And though f.lert.~ I. wifely ordered them, , . ' . th~ . ' ,, .