Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

I .. [ 12 ] . Erafmm, Cpre./Jander, Ar. Baldwin, W,icelim,&c. And in France the great Chancellor Michael Hofpitalias, Thstmu;,and many of their moll: excellent Lawyers and Parliament·men, and fome Bitbops and Divines. ' Thefe men being ·offended at the Separating part of the Reformation, were taken with the no– rion of Unity ail(! Government, but underfiood not the true Hate 6fthe Controverfie, and·were of two minds among themfelves. I. Some had long had an untryed notion by Tradition, that the Church throughout the World was One Body Po– lirick under one Humane Government. 2. Others -never thought of that, but having feen a fubmif– fion of all the vVefiern Churches to the Pope, thought a Separation unlawful. § X. But the cafe of the Separation, which they underfiopd not who blamed it, was this· The Reformers took the Univerfal Church in all the Earth to have .no Head, King, or Soveraign Governour but Chrill, none elfe having the leall: 1hew of true capacity or right; and therefore that none had an Univerfal Legiflative, Judicial or Executive Power: And a Church-Soveraignty ·was amore irrational conceit than a ~Civil Sove– raignty over all the Earth: And an Arifiocracy of Bithops more irrational tha~ a Papal Monarchy. Therefore they profeifed not to feparate from Pa– pifts as Chriftians, or from any of their Societies as parts ofChrifi's Church; but to renounce, de– ny, and feparace from their newVfurped Church– Species or Form, as it is feigned to be an Vniver(al 1-iumane Soveraign \'\'ith hu Subjeils. Had they ne– ver cvrrupted other Doc1rine or Worthip this Church~Species of Univerfal Sovcraignty, is to be f~par~e.d from. , 2. And