Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 15 ] days to return an EleCtion of the perfon named by thei~ing .· Page 138. ·Cranmer, Tonffall, Clarlzand Good– ri~ Bi!hops being called to give their Opinion, of the Emperors Power to call Councils faid, That though ancient Councils were called by the Roman Emperors, yet that was done by reafon o£ the extent of their Monarchy that was now ceaf– ed : But fince other Princes had an entire Monar- , chy within their Dominions : Yet if one or more of thofe Princes fhould agree to call a Council t o a good intent, and delire the concurrence of the reil, they were bound by the rule ofCHARITY, to agree to it. , Page 139. Crarmter faid-that this Authority ofGeneral Councils flowed not from the Num– ber of Biihops, but from the Matter -of their de– ci!ions; which were received with an Univerfal Confent ; for there were many more Biihops at .Arimini- than at Nice or Conftantinople, &c<> ChrilJ: had named no Head of the whole Church as God had named no Head of the World - In Qgeen f-liz.abeth's Reign Is 59· the Divines appointed to difpute againft the Papifi :Biil1ops in . their ftcond paper maintain, That every Church had power ·to reform it [elf : This they founded on the ' Epiftles of Paul to the particular Churches, and St. John to the Angels of the · Seven Churches : . In the firfi three Ages there were no Genera l Coun~ils, but every Biil1op in his Diocefs, or fucb few Bt!hops as could afiemble together, condem– ned Herelies, determined Matters that were , n- , r.:efied ; fo did alfo the Orthodox after Arrianifmr: . had fo overfpread the World that even the See of Rome was defiled with it. I'age, •