Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

• i[ }8 ] elfe .to Imprifon him. p. 363, 364, &c: I conclud~ with that honeff Note, p. 369~ [ There was orre thing yet Wtlnting to compleat the Re– formation of this Church, which WM the reftoring t!i Rrimitive Diji:ipline againft fcandalOUf _Perfom, the ftabli{hing the Government of the Church in Ecclefiaf– tical hands, and tak}.ng it out of Lay hands who have fo long;rofaned it-- ' S@ that the dreadful/eft of · All Cenfures is flOW .b~c9me moft [corned and defpi{ed. .See the refr. { ~ '- . The Papifis in Queen ,Eliz.abeth s days _ fome– time firove by Treafons the ·recov:ery of their ·Power; and fecn:tly firove by PoJ.icy ·to-divide ·. the Prot~ftants, and to root out thpfe.that were mofi againfi them. Th~ Miniller.s ·1!1rthappily fell into the[e Parries. I. Some were for the -Gran– tieur ofthe Bif.hops, and for firiet: oh~rvance of Liturgy and Ceremonies, and againft Parochial .Dik:ipline ; and thefe prevailed with tpe C4Ieen. -z~ Some were againft Diocefan Bifbops.· and Ce– .t·emonies, and iome ·things in the L_iturgy, and .were for Parifh Difcipline : And thefe were called Nonconformifts and Puritans. 3~ MelanElhon and Bueer had prevailed i with fome others, who were indifferent as to .Bi{hops, and mqft of the Ceremonies and Forms, but Zealous for Parifh Difcipline andagodly Life, and for u£ing ' things indifferent only indifferently, to EdificatiQQ, and not ro the hinderance -of the Minift.ry of refufers. And Bucer's Scripta Anglicana written for K. Ed~ w..ard, which urged this Parifh Difcipline with great Zeal and Judgment, prevailed wi,th a great part of the Queens Council; andof the-Proteftant Nobility and Gentry 7 but rnoft of the Clergy were~f the two firft meiuioned Opinions, called Extreams by othe~ § 4· . '