Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ ~0 ] a tender Confcience a Scorn, and to drive it out of Efl:eem and P.ower, and .then there would be little in the reft to hinder my defires; I might ex– pett rhat they would all take my Pills whom I c'ould firfi get to fwallow as big a thing. VU. I would make the great noife about Epit.. copacy, Liturgy and Conformity, and not fay a word till all were ready of a Coalition with the / French Papifis or Roman Church. \ ) VIII. I would (as Dr. Hey/in) call this aDraw– ing in the Papifis to us, when we had opeqed the Door wide enough for their Univerfal Sove– raignty, and I would not call it a going over to them.' IX. It's like I fhould learn ofGrotius;tocall none Papifts but only thofe that count all good and lawfuL that the Popes do, or as ·Dr. Saywell, dif– mvn none but the ]efuited Party, and then I would detefi: and rant agai'n!l: Papifis as hotly as any of them all. · x. I would not pot any Oath or Profeffion of Popery, or of an Univerfal foreign JurifdicHon on any of the Lay Coll)municants , nor on· the Inferior Clergy till they were ripe for it: It's gently {aid of Dr. Saywell, What Bijhop ,puts yott to own the Power of Ger;eral Co1mcils before he will give you the Sacrament? If the Bijhops will l:>ut own and be fubjeff to a foreign Jurifdi[lion., and the Clergy only to the ,Bijhops at firfi, and the Laity to that Clergy and Bijhop; the Chain is firong enough at prefent, we need no more. ..XI. I will Prognofiicate no further conditio– nally of my felf, btlt whoever is engaged in fuch work, above all cannot fPare the Engine of Hijlo– .rical Vntruths. Agaiaft thofe that may not /be . · · · heard