Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

I' ) Againft the Revolt to AForeign J urifdiCtidri; \Vhich would be to . England,its P ER7VRT; . CHVRCI-1-RVINE, and SLA VERY. , ..- In Two Parts. . ' I. TheHifiory ofMens Endeavors eo introduce It.' n. The Confutation of all Pretences for it. ' '· ~ Fully flaring the Controver(le , and Proving , That there)s nb Soveraign Power Cif Le,giflation, Judgment and Executionove~ the whole Church on Earth, A:rifiocratical or Monarchical; btit only Chrifis: Efpeciallyagainfi the Arifiocratifis who pface it• · in a Council _or Coiiege. ----~- -------~. ---.~~. ~~ --~· ~. ~~ .. ~. -- ,." By RICHARD !JAXTER, ari Earnell: De!irer of the Churches Concord, anli therefore an Enemy ro all f4lfe Tetrris, and Dividing Engines, and Self-exaltin·g Sea's; and a Defecder of Chrift's own a!figned Term5, which rake in all the true Chrifiians in the World·, and are Injurious or Cruel ---~to none. . 0.:."'11:'\·- ~,~. r.... .. .... . .. ,- -~- .. ·:~ -·.-,:·· ... -,~.-: --·" •' !\;·--,.., To beoffered eo rhe 'next Convocarion, befeeching theln to own the Doarine of Foreign Communion, but to l'lore with Re– nunciatio{l the Doetrineof Foreign J u,rifdieti•.:m, and roVindi– cate the Reformed Church of England, froll} rhe Guilt and Sufpitton which the French and Innovators injuriou!ly feek to faften on them,' ·;·~. "'·' _,._-- · -··, ·• · .. - .,.. ,...., . ' Luk. 22~ 24, 1. 5, 2 6. And there wa/ aftrlfeamong them w ri,:h of ihtm . (hOuld be accouuted'tl:e Grea.teft : And he [aid to them, i he Kings nf the. Gen~iles exerci(e Lordfhip overthull, a~d they that exerci[t Au.tho– rity upon the'f!J are .cafled B·enefaElm: Buj ye {htt!l not be fo ; bt~·t he t.hat i5 gr eateji ap10n~ you, let him be a~ the Tottnger,' and he thit u' chief lt4 he that dotk firve. ., . ,. ,. _-. , ,, ~ , , .. . z ~heff. 5· r2: We brjm·h.,ou Brethren to know, themwhicb labour iimo'ng jou,and are over rou i'l the Lo~d, and admonifhyou , ,I 3· A'!d to eftum them very highly in love for their wor~fak,e ;' and be at Feace al11ftng ·-ynur (ehm. ' ,.,. ' - : _' ·· ht;:~t'Jd>i_li oji? ' : ·<· LendoTt,,Primed for Ihfl. Parkhurft at the_Bibliand rT'hree Crowns, ; at the lower end of Chedp(lde. near Mercm (; h,.,pfl. 169 r. • -~~ . :: · - ..... ~-c~ · m ·-<- -J-~~'~'+. -~~~~.,...