Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ $2 J him, I cannot but fufpeet fome Altering defign in them that w,ould,fiill rub the ola Sores , and fetch thence Materials for all their Purpofes. (If I may mix ridicnlom things with terrible,) that as . the Drunken Man eaGng his Bladder by a running Conduit, flood half the day , there in a mingent po!lure, complaining to Paffengers that his Water . w.ould not fiop, becaufe he fl:ill heard the Con– duit run; fo if they can but make the .Nation Drunk or Melancbolick, the noife of nothing but U:ar, and Rebellion, and Blood, will make them think that their Blood is fiill running. XVI. And beyond Sea, the Papifis have found it the greatell: Expedient to their Succeifes, to ~ep Great Men from Study , and Learning, yea, and frpm Confcience and Sobriety,and train them up with Sport, and Wine and Women, and De· bauchery, and ranting Jollity, and fcorns at Con· ~ fcience and Precifenefs, that they may not difcern their owh interelt, nor have underltanding enough to fee the Snare, but may tamely put their foot in theStocks ,& uncler pret"enceof'Univerfal Concord and Government, make themfelves .the ·Subjetrs 'of a foreign Ufurpation. And if the Pope may but govern till the next General Council, it will • be like a Leafe of many Hundred Years~ as good as a Fee-fimple; And may he but Rule all as Pa– triarch and Principium Vnitati& by the Canons al– ready made,it will be as good as the Guardianiliip of Infants, that will never call the Guardian eo .Account. , §. XIX. I mull: fay after .all this, ~hat I love the French ·Church much better than the Italian, and if we mull all be Papifis, had rather we were FrenchEapifls, of the two. And yet that I more fear