Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 43 ] over this Land : And therefore the Oath exclud– eth the Power claimed by Popes and Councils. 2. As to Judicial Power, thefe Forreigners claim a Power of Judging who in England fhall be taken for a true Biiliop and Minifier; who fhall have Tythes, Church-Lands and Temples ·; whe– ther the Kings, Lords, and all Subjects, ·!hall be judged capable ofChurch-Communion? or be Ex– communicate : And our Laws declanng that all this Forrei~n Claim is Ufurpation, fully proveth that it was the fenfe of the Oath to exclude them. They claim alfo a Power of Judging who £hall ·pafs here for Orthodox, and who for Hereticks. : And in their Laws the eonfequence is, who fl1all be burned'for a Heretick, or be exterminated, or after Excommunication depofed from their Do– minions, and their Subjecrs abfolved from their Allegiance ? But certainly the Oath excludeth them from all this. The moft of the Papifis claim no Power direCt– ly due to their Pope, but that which they call Ec– cl~ftafiical or Spititual- (rhe reft is but by confe– quence, and in ordine ad Spiritaalia : ) But if this be not excluded in the Oath, then they intended not to exclude the Papacy: And then what was the Oath made for, or what fenfe bath it,orwhat ufe? And who can·believe rhis? · If the meaning of the Oath be not to exclude the Pope's Eccleftafiical Power, then they that take it may yet hold that the Pope is Head of all the Churches on Earth, and bath the Authority ro call, and diifolve, and approve, or reprobate General Councils, and may Ordain Bifhops for England, and his Ordinations and his Miilionaries be here received, and Appeals made to him, and Obedi· , •