Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 49 ] Et pag; t9o. "Rex tam in Archiepifcvpos, Epi{– '' copos, Cler,itos, & alias Miniftros quam i1J Laicos "intra flu" regna & dominia plenilfimam jurifdiClio– " nem tam civilem qudm Ecclefiafticam habet , & "exercere poteft: Cum omnis ' 1uri(diElio tum Eccle- . "fiaftica tumfecularis ab eo tanquam ex uno & eodeni "fqnte derivantur. . Et de Appell. ~. I r. " There's no Appeal to· any ."above or beyond the King, judging by a Provin– cial Council, ·or Select Bifhops.] Though the King died before .tnefe were made'Laws, they tell us the Church of England's fince. . VII. To Cave tranfcribing, I defire the Reader to perufe that notable Letter of King: Henrfthe 8th to the Archbiiliop of York_: It is the firft in the fecond Part of the Caballa of Letters; well worth the reading, _to our purpofe. VIII. The Liturgy for Nov. r. tailed the Pdpe Antichrifi, And the Homilies to the fame lince: And the Convocation in Ireland, Art. 8. 161)..· So cloth the Parliament of England? in the ACt for the Sublidy 3 Jacobi, of the Clef'gy. And fure they that took him for Antkhi·ifi , thought: ' ' not that as Pope or Patriarch he had any ruling Power here. . IX. The Apology of the Chtarch of England in 'Jewel's Works, {ordered to be kept in 'all the Parilh Churches) faith, Pag. 708. ["Ofa truth even thofe ·great~fl: Councils, and ·" where moll Affemblies of People ever were, " (whereof thefe Men ufe tO' make fuch exceed– (' ing reckoning) compare them with all tbe H < Churches which throughout theWorld admow– ~'ledge and ptofefs the Name of Chrifi.) and what: .. E ~' elfe •