Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

( $I J X. The firfi Canon commandeth Preachers Four times aYear' to declare [" That All ufurped '' & foreign Power(forafmuch as the fame hath nd " Eftablifhment nor Ground by the Lawof God) " is for moa jull: Caufes taken away and abolifhed. '"And that therefore, No manner of Obedience "or Subjection within His Majefiies 'Realms and "Dominions is due to any fuch foreign Power. The 12th Canotl Excommunicateth ipfo fatlo any that ihall affirm, "That it is lawful for any " fort of Minifiers to joyn together ·~uid make· " Rules, Orders or Confiitutions, in Caufes Eccle– " fiaaical, without the Kirig's Authority, and ihall '' fubmit themfelves to be ruled and governed by, ~' 'them :] Therefore none may go beyond Sea td Councils without his Authority. And the Canons ofForeigners are not to be made a Rule without his Authority. And -is not other Princes Autho• rity as neceffary in their Dominions? . The Canon which bids Prayer 55th defcribedi [" Chrifi-'s holy Catholick Church to be the whole " Congregation of Chrifiian People difperfed " throughout' the whole World.] But fuch a Church hath no Legillative or Judicial Power. . XI. The Controverfie is about an Atticle 6[ Faith, [I believe the holy Catholick Church.] The Humanifis fay, It is an univerfal Political Society, .Governed by one humane Supream, (Monarch; Arifiocracy or mixt) under Chrifi. Prorefiants fay, It hath no univerfal fupream Ruler but Chriih Now the Generality of Protefiant Englilh and .tranfmarine,who write on the Creed,expound this ' Article a{:cordingly in the Protefiant fer\ce ; as he that will perufe their Books may firid; which iliew~th what is the fence of.t.heC::hurihof England. E ~ :xn. Though . . •