Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

• I . I to the ReverendanddefervedlyHonoured Dr. JOHN TILLOTSON • I Dean of St. Paul's Church·. I . . Reverend_Sir, ·T·· HE Melfage on which this . . · ·Epifile cometh to you is, to intreat you to Prefent this Treatife to the next Con~ocation,and to endeavour their publick renuncia· cionofForeign Jurifdiction, and their cenfure of the Books that are written here for it. The Reafons of my re~ que!l: are, . I. T'he Canons conde1nn them.,· · that deny the Convocation to be the Cburch of England Reprefentative : And they that·have written for land.. promoted·this Doctrine and D·:ftgn, . · A 3 · have