Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 5) ] !hops alfo declaring Popery to be Idolatry, and the Pope Antichrift. XIV. The.Bitbops and chief Writers of Eng- . landhave taken the Pope to be the Amichrifi; Cranmer, Wbitguift, Park..§r, Grindall, Abbot,, ·aH . A.Biihops of Canterbury; Vjher, DowJulme, Jew– el , Andrews , Bilfon , Latimer ., Hooper, F.arrar, Ridley, Robert .Abbot, Hall, Allig, and abunda'nce more Biihops: The Martyrs, Sutcliff.e, . f/qlk§~ Sharp, Whittak§r, Willet, Crak§nthorp, andm6fi of our Writersagainfi: P<:>pery. Sure then theywere for none of his Jurifdietion here. XV. The Prayers have be.en and are to this day added in the end both to our Bibles and Common Prayer Books,which {hew how far the Church of England was from deliring a Coalition with the Papifis by fubmitting to any Forreign JurifdiCl:i- . on : They fay to God, [ '"' Confound Satan and '' Antichrifi, with all Hirelings, whom thou hafl: " already call: offintoarepreaate fenfe, that they '' may not by Setts, Schifms-, H~refies, and Er... '~ rors, difquiet thy little Flock~ And becaufe, "0 Lord, we be fallen into the latter days and "dange~ous times, wherein Ignorance bath got " the upper hand, and Satan by his Minifters feek– " eth by all means to quench the light of thy Gof– ,, pel, we befeech thee to maintain thy Caufe a– " gainfl: thofe raveningWolves, and firengthen all " thy Servants whom they keep in Prifon and Bon– " dage. Let not thy long-fuffering be an occaGo.n ''either to increafe their tyranny, o1· to difcou– " rage thy Children, &c. J Though A. Bifhop Laud put out all thefe Pray– ers fi·om the Scots new Liturgy, we had. never had.them ftill boundwith ours to this day if the E 3 . . eChurch •