Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

• [ 56 ] H. A~d .the Papifis themfelves number all the fame differences> 'as you may fee iri Be(larn;ir;e at large. · ~ . 0(tbe firR Opinion is Valentia irJ Thom. To. 3· J?.i!P·. J~t!P: 7· §45. and divers others both Jefw. .its; Fdars. and Seculars. And. Albert. Pighius hath ~w.titeen ~an unanfwerable Book againft the Supre;. ·mJ~y of Councils. But Bellarmine himfelf faith, ()f this way' [ " Vfq; ad hllnc diem tjUtejlio fupereft ~.' etiam inter Ca,tholic.os. Lib. 2. de Concil. c. 13~ And tb:ey~that have different Soveraigns have dif~ ferent Churches. - . · .Qf.che fecond Opinion are the gr_eatefl: number pf t{~!,r DoCtors. . Of the third Opinion, (for aCouncils Suprerna.,. ~Y ubov~.;?nd againfi tbe Pope in cafe ofdifagree- · .i-nent )'Wf;re the Co.uncils of Conftance and Bafil; AnQ..fejith B~lla1·mim:, ]oh.. Gerfon, Petr. de Alliaco.. Card. Cameracenfis, ']acobm Almanius, Card. Ni~ eo!. <.:ufan-u~, Card. Ftorentinus, Panormitanus, To– JLu~ts !lbulenjis, and multitudes more; with Ovie;. do, Qk._arn, &c. and the Parifians and French Church : And the Pope and Jefuits will not fa¥ that all ~hefe 4re Protefhms, or none of the Rp~ · '(nc.n Cbtli·cb: And the Church of Engl/md nevel! ·took th~ for anyother than Papifrs. ·· XLX~1 1lhe fmaH Book call~d Deus & Rex, whkh·i~pproved by the Church of England,may give the Re;;tder fatisfattion 'herein. ·· ' : xx~ . '['he com'mon firain of the moll: approved DoCtors ·of the Cburch in their LicenfedBooks <:igainfi the PapiHs, Gifclaimeth all Forreign Juri£: diD.:ion of Fope or P~·elates: . . .. ·· , ~. Bin1op 'jerPcl I before cited. ~· B~tl10p B~lfon is coo large to be recited. Of l , · · Chriflian ,,_ . . :.