Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

• . [ 6o] is the chieftaking his Name in vain, to confirm a Lie. And if this threatning reach to every indi– vidual, what will become of perjured Church and Kingdom? The Lord is the avenger of all fuch crimes: And it's a fearful thing to fall into the· hands of this God, who is a confuming fire. II. '' Perjury is a direct .diffolution ofSocieties: cc Mutual Trufi is their concernment: Utter Di– " firufi is a Virtual death or war. King and People c; are tied to each other by Oaths : Majors ·and '' chief Officers, and Judges are tied to fidelity "by Oaths. The Biiliops fwear their Clergy to IX-rthein, (though old Canons condemned it:) Loofe f.' this Bond, and what are Societies? Who can c; trufi him that rnaketh no confcience of the " Obligation ofOaths, any more than an Enemy ? III. It depriveth the King of a necelfary means of fecurity for his life. If all tonfcience of the Oaths ofAllegiance were gone, it is fuppofed that the confcience of Loyalty would be gon~. And many a Traytor would fiudy how to kill Kings fecretly wirhout danger to themfelves, br to make · it good by firength and numbers. IV. It depriveth all the SubjeCts of neceffaty Security for Efl:ate, Name or Life. If Churdt ~nd State fhouldopenly be perjured, who can ex· pea that all Individuals fhould fiick at" it? But ta.. J:her that everyMan that bathan Enerny, -or bath fither Wealth or Place which another defil'eth; fhould prefently be Sworn to the Gallows or the Block? It \:vere far better dwell among Toads, [5nakes, and Adders, or \Volves and Bears a· gainfr whom a Man bath fome defence: Homo ho~ ?nini Lu;u1, would be turned into Homo homini :Piabolus. • v. {c