Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 79 ] , 'that account only they raifed many thoufands againjf ' him, without whofe aj]i{tance they couldnever have o– ' verpowered him,and oppreffid him tU they did: And the 'fuccefs they had thereby againft theFather,encouraged ' them to mak§ ufe pf the fame Engine againft his Son, 'by giving it out that the King bylivingfo long ab;-·oad ' in Popijh Countreys was fo corrupted in his Religion, 'that ifhe were fuffered to return, he would bring in ' Popery a!ong"with him. So that with this groundlefs ' fear I found many confiderable and very much in– ' terefted Perfons ,poffift when I was font into England, 'about two Months before the Kings return; mojf of 'which time I [pent itz undeceiving all I met with, ef– 'pe~ially the Heads and Leaders of the Presbyterian ' and lndependant 'Parties, ( who feemed to be moft ' afraid offuch a Change ) by af/uring them that tho{c 'mifreports they had heard of the King and his Bra– ' thers were nothing elfe b-ut the maliciouJ Inventions ' of thofe that were in faEl or con{ent the Murderers of 'his Father- For to my certain b,zlowledge ([aid 'I) who WtU almoft always an Eye-witnefs of their 'a[/ions, the King and both his Brathen, &c.] And he was confident that this ,was the cafe of theDutchefs of York,and that·thePapifis faH1y gave it out that the was theirs to draw peop1e to them. And what then could have been more injurious to King Charlo the Firfi, thatl this boafi and re– pore of tbe Irifh Murderers. By which 'they would make him to have fo dreadfully begun; for the rebelli.on was Otlob. 23. 1641. and Edge– hill Fight the fame day 1642. And hereby they have given theScots occafion to publi{h to pol1e– rity tbefe Scandalous words in their Books againfr the Crom\Nellians called, · Trmh its Mamfeft, prin– ted 1645. pag: J7, 19. [' T1re Ki11g fieing he rPM ' lopped , •