Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

66 1JireBiom for you11g Chriftians. Dirdf. 2o. Dire~. 20· sEe tbat your Religion be purely Divine, and animated all by God, aJ the Beginning, the D ·~oni, & fYay tmdthcEnd; aJJd tharfirjf upo;t tbySoul, amltlmzuponaU tb.:Jt thou haH or dofi, • m:tlls in. Jifthere be written H 0 L INESS 7 0 1 H E L 0 R D ; and that tbou corrztpt fJOt all witb an in- ~~\:eb~\~~to: ordinate hypocritical rcfpe[J to man. . Deolimi\em feci: Vn-tutem fufficcrc quidcm ad bcn_e be:ttcq; vivendum_ ; cx~crum inllrumcntis indigcrc, corporis bonis, roborr, fanit3.te, inregri– t:ttc fen~uum, &c. Exteriorihus ~ti:un, opibm, gcnzris clant:nc, gloriJ, &c. F-t & fi non affiuerint, nihi\cminus t:tmen bc:ltum fv– re (1piu.rcm.--Arbitntu~ &Oeo<1 humana c~rnere :nque & d. .:moncs cfr.:---Porroin dia:og1~ jufiiti:mtDi1·i· lllm kgt"m arbitr:aus eft, ut ad JUtlc ;~genllum potentmspetfu~derct, nC pofi:mort~mpo:n;osimprobi luerent. Lam. inPla,t. y. I· To be Holy is to be Divim, or deVoted to God, and appropriated to Him, and his JYill~ and Vji:; and that our Heart! and Livu be not Comt?ton ;~nd Vnclean: To he Godly, is wLjve to God; as rho[e that from their hearts believe, that he MGod indeed, and that he iJ the Rewarder of tbem tbat diligently {eck., him, that he is 011rGod Al!-jitfficient, our jhield attd exceeding grerzl reward, Htb. I r. 6. Gen. IS· 1. & 17· I· Audthat. OjHim,a11dThrouf!.h Him,, a~d.T?Him are aU tbingi, that <JI.I.may give the Glory tor ever unto h1m: Ro»,t. I 1. 36. As God IS J~hmtcly above .all Creatures, ~o L1ving upon God and unto God, mull nee.ds us above the h1ghefi fen[~al.ltfe : And thtretore Reli– gion is tranfcendently above all Sc1ences or Arts : fo .much ot God as 1s myou and upon you) fo much you are more excellent than the highdi worldly perfection can advance you to: G 0 D fhou\d be rhe Firjf and Lajt and All in the mind) and mouth, and life of a believer. God mun: be the Prin– cipal Matter of your Religion : The Underfianding and 'Will rnufi be cxcrcifed upon him : ·whenyou tswak._e yo1t fhould be (till with IJim, Pfal. 139· 8. Y0ur Jv!edit11ti)m of him jh:m!d he frreet, aitd )'Jtt jhoztld be glad in the Lord, Pfal. 104. 34· Yet creaturCJ under Him, may be the frequent left prin~ip.1l matter ofJOUr Rel.igi~n; but flill as referred unto ~jm. God ml~fl: be 1he Author of your Reli~ion: God mull: injlitute 1t, tf you expect he fhould accept 1t and reward Jt, God mult be the Rule ot your Religion, as Revealing his Will concerning it in his Word. God mufi be the Vltimate Endof your Religion ; It mufl: be intended to Pleafe and Gloritie Him : God muft be the continual Motive and Rea[o1r of your Religion, and of all you do : you mufi be able truly to fttch your Rcafon from Flel· ven, and to fay, I do it bec:mfe it is his will : I do it to pleafe, and gloritic, and enjoy him: God muH be taken as the Soveraif!,n Jztdge of your Religion, and of you, and at all you do: And you muft whol1y look to his ]uflitication and approbation, and avoid what (VCr he condemneth. Can you take God fbr your Owmr, your Sovtraign, your Savio11r, your fufficient Prou{ior, your Portim, your AIll If not, , you cannot be god~y, nor be tivcd: If his Autlxlrity have not more Pon·cr upon you, than the au~ thority of 1he Gr(.ltt/f upon earth, you are Atbciftical H.Jrpocritu, and not uuly Religious, whattver you pretend. If HOUNESS TO THE LORD, be written upon )'OU, and all that's youu, you ;ire dt"– voted to him as his Own peculiar ones: If your ~ames be fct upon your Sheep, or Flate, or Ciorhes, you will fay, if another fi1onld take them, They are mine; Do yu 1101 fie my mark._ upon tbcm: Sla– very to the Flcjh, the World rmd tbe Devil, is the mark that is \\-'ritten upon the w;_~od{y ( upon the furebeadJ of the propb.:me, and upon rhe HearJJ ofHypccritu and all): and Sar:m, the world and the rlcfh have their fervice: ffyou areConfecratedto God, and bear his Name and M.:nk upon you, t.tll every one that would lay claim to you, that you arc Hi1, and refolved to live to Him ; ro Love Him, to Tn1fl Him, and to fland or fall to him alone. Let God be the very Lift, ace\ Scnfe, and EnJ of all you do. §. ~--when