Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Advertifements. R FAD F 1( S, E Book is [o big that t mufi: make no longer Preface, dnn to give you this Heceffary tlwrc account, t. Of the ~alicy, 2. And che Realons of this Work. I. The matter you will fee in the Contents ! As Amefitts his Cafes of Conlciencc are to his Medulla, the fec~1d and PraQ:ical part of Theologie, fo is this to a Methodtts Theologi.e which I have not yet publifhed. And 1. As to the Metbod of this, it is partly ttatural, but principally Moral, that is, panly fuicable to the real order of the Matter, but chiefly of tife(rd, nef, fecwzdum ordimm Intentionis, where our realons of each location are feccht from the End. Therefore ualefs I might be tedious in opening my reafons a fine for the order of every particular, I know not how to give you full [atisfa.:tion. But in this PraQ:ical part I am the lefs folicitous about the Acwratme(Sof metbod, becaule it more belongech totheformer Part (the Theory) where I do it as well as I am able. 2. This Book was written in 1664. and 1665. (except the Eccle!iafl:ick Cafes of Confcience; and a few {beets fince added) : And fince theWri– ting of it, tome invitations drew me to publill1, my Reafons of the Chri– fl:ian Religion, my Life of Faith, and DireCl:ions for weak Chrifbans : by which the work of the two firfl: Chapters here is fullier done: And ehere– fore I was inclined here to leave eh ern out. But for the u[e of fuch Fami– lies as may have this wichoucche other, I forbore to difmemberit. 3· But there is a great difproponion between the feveral parrs of the Book. 1. The firfl: Pare is largefl:, becaufe I thought chatthe Heart mull: be kept with greatefl: diligence, and that if the Tree be good the fruit will be good; and I remember Patds counfel, 1Ttm. 4· 16. Take heed to chy [elf and unto eh y DoCtrine : Continue in them : for in doing this thou fbalc both fave thy felf and them chac hear thee. Nothing is well done by him th2.t beginneth not at home : A~ the man is, fo is his fl:rengrh, · and work. 2; The two firfl: Chapters are too courfe and tedious for thofe of the higher form, (who may pafs them over). But the refl: mull: be fpo– ken to; To whom that is unprofitable which is mofl: fuitable and plea– Cant to more exerciled and accurate wits. The Gratzd DireEfions are bm the explication of the effentials of Chriltianity, or of the Baptifmal Co– venant, even of omRclation·dmies to God rhe Father, Son (in fevetal A 2 pans