Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

:DireBions for you1~ Chriftians. 9· 3· HAving given you thcfe Dirr[liom, I mufl tell you in the Conclufion, that they are like foad, that will not nourilh you by ftanding Olt your 1able, or like Phyficlz, that will not cure you by flanding in the Box : They mufl be tab.!n and digtft<d, or you will find none of the benelir. It is not the Reading of them that will ferve the turn to fo great ufe, as rhe fafe pro. cceding and confirmation of beginners or N"-'ices in Religion: It will require humility to perceive the need of them ; and labour to learn, digeft and prallife them. Thofe fiothful fouls, that will <cfufe tbe labour, mufl bear the fad effects of their negligence ; There is not one of all thefe Dircmo·nl, as to the Nlatter of them, which can be fpared. Study thtm, Vudcrftand them, and Remember them, as things that muft be done. If either a finfelefnefs of your ntceffity, or a con. ceir that the Spirit muft do it without fo much laboHr and diligence of your own, do prevail with you, to put off all ~hcfe , with a meer approbation, the confequent may be fadder than you can yet forefee. Though I fuppofe you to have fomc beginnings of Grace; I mufl tell you, that it will be comparatively a fad kind of life, to be erroneous, and fc.tndalous, ~nd troubleforne to the Church, .or full of doubts, and fears, and paffions, and to be burdenforne to others and your felves I Yea, it is reafon that you be very fufpicioM of your Sincerity, if you defire not to in~ creafe in grace, and be Dot wiUing to ufe tbp.!1JtaHJ, which are necdiary to your encreafe. He is not finctre, that defircth not to be perfeU : And he dejiretb .rim fincerely , who is not willing t() be at thelabour and cofl which is necdfuy to the obtaining ot the thing defired. I befeech you therefore, as you love t;he happinefs, of prudent, flrong ancl comfortable Chrillians, and would efcape the mifery of thofe grievous difeafes , which would turn your lives into languifhing, unfervice~ ablenefs, and pain, that you fc:rioufly fiudy thefe DirellioHJ, and get them into your minds, and memories, and hearts ; and let the faithful praaice of thembe your gr<ateft care, and the conftant em: plo;yment ofyour lives. CHAP.