Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

1Jire8ions for a JVell grounded FaitI>. and there is much abatement of our fears and troubles that may be fetcht from probabilties and un– certain hopes of our own fincerity and interefl: in tht: Promi[e. But to expect any other aifurancc or comfort from the Spirit, without Evidence, is but to expect immediate revtldtio;u or in[piratioHJ to 79 do the work, which ·rhe Word of promife abd f3.ith Chould do. The f~uls Confcm to:he Cove11ant of .(;:' Gract, and jiduci.:l Acceptance of a1t offered ChrW, is jufiifying faving faith; E~ery man hath an o~· jeO in the Promifc and offer of rhc Gofpel for tlus aCt , and therefore may I3:Ciomlly perform Jt. (Though all have nor hearts to do it) This may weB be called, Faith of adherence: and is it felf our evidence, from which we mull conclude, that we are true Btlirvers : The difccrning of thit Evidence calkd by feme, the Reflex aa (If faitb, is no act of faith at all, it being no bclifvi11g of anotber, but the act of Confciencc knowing what is i1J our felvu. The dilccrning_and concluding that we are the children of God, participatcth of faith and confciemious knowledge, which gav~ us the prernifes of fuch acondufion. §. 9· 3· You may hence perceive alfo how we are fa id to be fealtd by the Spirit : Even as a mans fph. r · r!· feal. d~th fignifie the t~ing fe~led to be hii own : So the Spirit of IJo!i~refi. in lU is Gods f~al ~pen us, k~~f.~ ~~ figmfymg that we arc h1s. 2 Tzm. 2· I9• Every one that bath the Spmt, JS fealed by bavmg zt : and that is his Evidence, which if he difcern, he may /{!zow that he is thus [talcd. · §. IO. 4· Hereby alfo you may fee what the C'armjf aJtd firft fmits of the Spirit i1: The Spirit is ~Cor. r. 2:. given to us by God, as the ear11ejl of the Glory which he will give us. To whomfoever he giverh the Spirit ofFaitb, and Love, and Holi11C'ji-, he giveth the feed of lite eternal, and an inclination thereto, which is his earmjf of it. §. 11. 5· Hereby alfo you may fee how the Spirit witmffetb that we are the children of God: The word Jf/itn~/J is put here principally for Evidmce: If any one quellion our adoption, the Tf'itnefi or Evidmce which we mull produce to prove it, is the Spirit of Jc[us fanliifyinfl. 111, and d:velling in us; Tfiis is the cbief part (at l"{l) of the fenfe of the Text, Rom. 8. t6. Though it is true, that the fame Spirit witnejftth by 1. Shewing us the grace which he hath given us ; 2· And by !hew– ing us the truth of the Promifc made to all brlievers; 3· And by helping us from thofe Pro– mifes to conclude with boldnefs, that we are the children ofGod: 4· And by helping us"torcjoyce rherein. , , §. 12· I I. I have been the longer ( though too fhort) in pcqu1inting you with the Office of the Holy Ghofi ( fuppofing your Belief that he is the third perfon in the Tri11ity) bccaufc it is an Article of grand importance, negleded by many that profe!S it, and becaufc there are fo many q.nd d:mge– rous errors in the world about it. Your great care now muO be I. To tind thiJ" Spirit iu you, as the Priltciple of your operations: and 2· To obey_ it, an~ folio~ its motions , .as it leadcrh )'Otl up to communion with God. Of the fir£\ I have lpoken rn the firfi Chapter. for the fccond obfcrve thefc few DireUionf, - 9· I3· DireCl. I· Be fore you miftak$not the Spirit of God and itJ motion I, nor receive inll:e3d of Di 1 •r{i, 1 • them, the motions of Satan, or of your paffions, pride or fle01ly wifdom. It is eafie to think you · are obeying the Sp~r~t, when y?n are obeying Satan ~n_d your o~n corruptions ag.1injf tbc Spit·ir. By theft: fruits lhe Spmt of God ts known. 1. TheSpnt ofGod IS for Heavenly, and neither for Foolijhneji, or treachcrozu cra[timfi, Pfal. 19• 7· & 94· 8. Jer. 4· 22· I Cor. 2· 4, 5, 6, 7· 2. The Spirit of God is a Spirit ofLove, delighting to dtJ good; its doctrine and motions are for Love, and tend to Good ; abhorring both fe/fij/mefi and b•rtfulnefi to others. Gal. )· 21, n. 3· He is a Spirit of ConcDrd, and is ever for theVnity of aU believerI; abhorring borh Divijiont among the Saints, and carnal complyanccJ and confederacies with the wicked, I Cor. I 2 • Ephcf. 4· 3, 4, 5, 6, 1 3• I Cor. r. I o. N "– & 3• 3· Rom. I6, 17, 18. 4· He is a Spirit of humility and ftlf-dcnJ 1 al, making us and our know- nu~fi~cn~fi~ ledge, and gifts and worth, to be very little in our own eyes ; Abhorring, pride, ambition, feJf.cxalt- qu::1 affiam ing, boafiing, as alfo the actual debafing of our felves by earthlinefs or other fin,Mattb. 18.3. Epb. 4 . 2 • D1vino ~n5· He is a Spirit of mec'<.nC'fi, and patience, and forbearance; Abhorringjfupidit>', and inordinatepa{:.. <J~a~ fu;/" lion, boifierou[nefs, tumult, envy, contention, reviling and revenge. Math. I J, 28, 29· Ephej. 4· 2. ~~~~-./ James 3• I Pet. 2. 20, 2I, 23• Gal. 5· 20. Rom. I2· z8, 19, 20· Eph. 4· 3z. Col. 3· 8. 6. He is a Spirit of zeal for God, refolving men againfi known fin, and for known truth and dury : Abhorring a fur~us ~eftro;:ing ~eal, and alfo an indifferency in the caufC of God, and a yieldiug complyance wich that whrch IS a~arnfi rt. Gal. 4• 18. Numb. 25· It, 13. 1ituf2. r4. Jamu 3· '5· 17. £,.~;_, 9· 55· R.m 3· I 6. 7· He is a Spuit of Mortification, crucifying the fleOt, and Hill contending againH it, and caufi:- ing men tO live above all the Glory, and Riches, and Pleafures of the world; Abhorring both orn:~.l licentiou[nefs, and fenfuality, and alfo the defhoying and difabling of the Body, under pretence of true mortification. Rom. 8. J . 13. Gal. 5· 17. Rom. 13. 13, 14· r Cor. 9· 27. 2 Pa. 2. 19. Cri. 2· 18, 2I, 23. 8. The Spirit of Cluifi conuadideth not the dollrine ot ChriH in the holy Scriptttrr, but moveth us to an txaa confcrmity thereto. Ifa. 8. 20. This is the fure Rule· to try pretences and motions ofevery Spirit by: For we arc fure that the Spirit of Chrilt is the Author of that word ; and we are fure he is not contrary to him[elf. 9· The motions of the Spirit do all tend to our Good, ~nd are neither Ludicrous, impertinent, or hurtful finally : They are all Ior the perfeCting of hnditication obedience, and for our falvation. Therefore unprofitable trifles, or dtfp.iir andhurtful diHraCtions and difiurbanccs of mind, which drive from God, unfit for du{y, and hinder f:.lvation are not themotionsoftheSpirir ofGod. 21'im.r.7. Rom.8.15. Jfa.ri·2· Ga!.5.22.Zech:I2.Jo. I Pet. 4· '4· 2 Cor. 3· 6. 10. Lafi!y, The Spirit of God (ubjccrcth all to God, '"d raiferh the hcarc to him, and rnaketh us fpirirua.l and divine, and is ever for Gods glory: 1 JoJL-n 4 , 5, 6. 1 Cor. 6. Il· I7, 20. Epbe[. 2.18 1 22. Phit. 3•3, 19, 20. I Pet. J, 2. 6 ... 4, 6, E~aminc lhc Texts here cited, M aud