Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

'J)_ire8iom for a·lvell grounded Faitb. 9-9. '.V~ \~~re wifor to how ro Govern our felvc:s, and to know what is fittefi and befi for us now mdo, than God is, . , , . , . . 6. It is a contempt of the Goodmfi of God as he IS the maker of the Law : ASJf h.e had not done that which is Btjl-, but that which may be cone6ted or concradid:ed; and there were !Otrie Evil in it See Pl~ttrrct_s to bt avoid~d. :7t~~~ ~hat vice isfufficif!l: tom~ke a m:tm wretched. Si non ip(o ·honeno movcmur u.t v~ri boni limus~ 0d util~tat_e _aliqua, at')L\C rruau, nlldi fumus, ~on bom (i emoh:mcmis, non fu:tpte nuura, virtus apetitur, nnl ern qux maltu;a red:e dtcnur. 1). fcal. p. 144• 7 • It Is a preferring our Naughtinefi before 'BisGoodneji, as if we would do it 'Bitter, or chooje better what to do. · - ( s. It is a contempt or de~ial of the FMiHtfs and Purity of God, whichfets him ·againll (.n, ·as 'tigEt is againll Da!lznrfi· · 9 . 'It is a violation of Goas Prnpricty or Dtmiinio», robbing him of'the ufe and fervice of that which is abfolurely and tot'ally hir a.... . ' - - · 10 • 'It is adiiming of Propriety in OUr"felVes, as if we were our oWn, ahd might"dowith our felvc~ as:wclill. · 1 ,. It is a contempt of the gwioii$-Ptomifu of G~d by which he allured and ·bound us 'to obe– di.eoce. 12 • It is a contempt of the dreadful 'fhfeatnillgt of Gol!, by which .he woula have rellrain<d us fromevil. . . . I3· It is a contell)pt or denial of the dreadfu~ day of Judgement, in which an account mull be given of that fin. J 1 · I 4 • 1t is a denying of Gods Veraclty and giVing liim the lie ; as if he were not (obe believed in a]] his Predictions, Promifes and Tl).reats. I 5· It is a contempt of all 'the prefent Meriir:t '( which ~re innumerable and great ) ·by which Goa obligeth and encourageth us t:b obey. • • . ~ t6. It is a contempt of our own aJfliliioni, 'and 'his Chajlife!Mntt of us, 'by which he would drive us from our fins. · . ·' ' .J' · '7· It is a contempt of all the 'Examp)t~· of 'his Mercies oil the obedient, and his terrible )uilg'!– menu on the difobedient , ('men and Devils ) by whiCh he watned us not·to fin. -IS. kis a contempt oe the perfon, oljice, f~tfcrings, ':!nd grace of Jefus Chrill, 'who came to fav~ us from our fins, an'd tO'dcfiroy 'tq~ works of the DeVil; being conti'ar'y to his bloodihed, authori'tf and healing work. . . I$· lt is a contradicting, fighting againll, and, in that aCt prevailing againll, the fanCl:ifying office and wotk of the Holy Gholl, that ·moveth us againft fin, ·and to obedience. ~o. lt is a contempt of Holinefi, and a ~efacing (in that l'n'<afure ) the image of God upon the foul, or a rejecting it : A vildying. of all tho~i: Graces 'which are contrary to 'the fin. 21. It is a pleafing of the Dev1l, the "tnemy of God and us, and ail ·obeying him before God. 22, It is the fault of 'a R~ttonal Creatlih; t~at had Reafoil' given him, t6 do better. 23· It is all WiUingly done and ·r:hofen, by~ free-agent that could t\ot be conjlrained to it. Vo\um2riurn dlomne Tolle excuf:uion.em : Nemo peccu invitus: .M:rt;,: DJmlle1f. de: Morib. . . . . . .· peccatum. Nibtliuterdl~quo 1mmG1 f2ct&S, quod fecille vitiofum eR, qui: _atb ccrnumur; animus nonvidetur. Jd. ibid. ' 24· It is a. robbing God of the. Honour and Pleafurt which he Chould have had in bur !Jbedienct ' and 1he ·Glory which we Chould bring him•before the world, ' ·2 5· It is a contempt of the omnipr&nce and omnifcience of God ; when we will fin· againll him before his face, when he llands over us, and feeth all that we do. 26. It is a contempt of the Greatnt[r and :Aimigbtintfsof Gad; that we dare fin agairill him; who is foGreat and able 10 be avenged on us. 27· It is a wrong to the Mtrcifulnefi of God, when we go out of the way of mercy, and put him to ufe the way of Jullice and fevexity ; who delighteth not in the death of finners but rather that rhcy obey, repent and live. ' · ~8. It is a contempt of the attrallive Love of God, who 0\ould be the End, and Felieiry, and. Plea– Jure of the foul. As if all that L1111t and Goodneji of God, were not enough to draw or keep the heart 'to him , and to faushe us and make us happy ; or he were tit to be our full delight. And it ·!heweth the want ot Love to God : for If we Loved him rightly we lltould willingly obey him. _ 29· It is afetting up the fo~did creature~ before t~c Creator, and dung before Heavtn, as if it were more worthy of our Love and Cho1ce, and tittei to be our Delight; and the Pleofi~rt of fin were better for us [han the Glory of Heaven 30. _In al! which it appeareth, that i_r is ·a praCtical ~theifm, in its degree ; A taking down God, or denymg h1m to be God: and a practiCal Idolatry, fettmg up our fclve• and other creatures in his .llead. : ~~· It.