Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

f)ireElions for a JVe/1 grounded Fait,. 12J 1· I05· Tempt. 41· Somctime by. tl" fuddemtefi of a temptation be [urpriztth men btfiffethty art Tempt. 4 r. arvarc. §. 1 c6. Direli 41. Be never unarmed nor from your watch : cfpeciaUy as to 1hou&hts Djreft. 41 . or Judden PaffionJ , or r.tjh rPrrds, which ar~ ufed to be c.:>mmitrcd for W<int of dtlibt:ration. · §. 107 • Tempt. 42· Sometime he ufuh a v10lcnt earnc::ftnefs, t[peciaUy rvhen he gettrtb Paffion on Tempt. 42 • J;i 1 fide: So that Reafon is born down; (md the fi;tntr foith, I co!'ld not forbear. . . §. 108. DirclJ. 42- But remember that the very eager unruhnefs of your paf{ron ts. a fin tt felf: Dirca. 42 • and tha[ none can compel you to fin : and that Reafon mufi deliberate and rule ; or elfe any mur3er or wickednefs m:~y have the txcufe of urgent patfions. 1· "9· Tempt. 43· Somttimt he ufeth the vi,Jmce •f mm : 11Jty threaten nzeu to frighten them 'tempt. 43· into fin. §. 110• Direll. 43• But is not God and his threatnings more to be feared> Do metj Dire[/. 4 3. threaten irnprifonment or death or rume? And doth not God threaten cverlalling mifery? And can he not defend you from all that man !hall threat<" if it be ben for you? See the portion of the fearful, Rev. 2 I. 8. 9· I I I· Tempt. 44· Sometime vuiety. of temptations diftratletb men, that they do not look._ to aU at 'tempt. H· one§: 112 • Direll. 44· Rememb<r that one part of the City unguuded may lofe the whole in age- Dirctl. 44 • neral afrault. 9·~ li3· "t~mpt. ~5· Sometime IJe cea{rtb, to m&l<! IH fitHr., attd /Jy by oNr (Jrmu, and then Tempt. 4 S~ furprifitb U!· • • • • . • 9· u 4 • DirefJ. 45• Take heed of fecu~~ty, and Satans ambulhments. Difi.mguJ{h between ccf Dirctl. 45• fation and conqHcjl. You conquer not every time that you have reft and quu:tnefs from ternpta.; rion : Till the tin be hated, and the contrary grace or duty in pralt1ct, you h<~ve not at all ova- ~~~ come: And when that's done , yet trufi not the Devil or the fldh; nor think the warr will be fhorter than your lives : For one alfault will begin where the former ended. Make ufe of e-very teff'ation but to prepare for the next encounter. 9· 1 I 5• Tempt. 46. He wiU tempt you !' ta~ llriving for overcoming : and to think.. becaufe 'tempt••46• )OH pray and mak._e fome refiflanct that fin u conquered : And beca•[t your Dtfiru are good, aU it I V weU. 9· l!6. Dirl/l. f6· But all that fight de> ,not overcome : If a man j!rive for MajleritJ, yet is he Dire[/. 46• "'t crowned, except ht flrivt lawfuUy, I Tim. 2 • 5• Many wiU feek_ to enter and jhaU not be able, Luke. I~. 24· . , 9· 117· Tempt. 47• He foUormh the }inner with frequency and imporumity, tiU he ..,eary bim •nd 1empt. 47• malr,e him yield. • 9· r r8. Dire[/. 47• Rcmember,that Chrift iJ M importunalt with thee to fave thee, as the Devil Dire[/. 4 :7. can be ro damn thee; and whtch then fhould prcYatl. 2. Be you as conftant in refifiance : Be as oft in P!ayer. an.d ot.her confirming means : D? as PaHl, 2 Cor. 12. 7, 8. who prayed thrice (as Chnll d1d tn. hts agony) when the pnck m the 1\efh was n,ot removed. 3· Tempt not the Tempter , by g1vmg h1m cm:ouragcmcm. A famt denyal ts an invitation to ask .~o,:'l again. Give him quickly a flat denial , and put him out of hope , if you would lhorten the temptation. • , . . • §. 119. Tempt. fS• Laft!JI, tbt Dml wo•ld }ink tht finner }H dtfpm, and per[rNdt him no"' it 'tempt. 4 8: u too late. . 9· 120• DirefJ. 4 8. Obfcrve his defign, that it is but to take off that Hope which is the w~igll(_ D't 9 . to fet the wheels of the foul a going. In all he is againfi God and you : In other fins he is t. • 4 ." again(\ Gods Autho.rity : In ~his he. is againll his !-ov! and. Mercy. Read the Gofpel and you · will find, that Ch11fis death IS fuffici<nt : the prom1fe IS umverfal, full and free; and that the ..._ . day of Grace is fo far continued till the day of death, that no man fh•ll be denied it that truly ., defireth it : And that the fame Got! that forbidd<th thy prejumption, forbiddeth al[o thy defpair. Tit.J• :~ .