Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Note, This Chapter is miC-tided till this place. 127 -------- t:tCT God promifed; and aU Jbis i1, to mJk,.t J9H caft away aU aJ vain, and think.. Godfailetb yo";,, whtn y 11 u mifi your txpd1atio1tJ, . . , · . • . 9· 14 , Dire//. 6. Bur God w11l do all that He promi[r1b, but not all that theDev.t or Y'"r [elves Dmlf. 6. promife. See what God promifethin his Word: That's enough for you: Make thar and no more the end of dudes. , 9· 15 • Tempt. 7· 1be 1empter tt[uaUy would draw you from 1/;e heatt and life of duly, by lo• much 1empl. 7• aforihi1 1 g to tbe outfide: Laying too much on the bare dJing of the work_, thegivi~g of tbc ~lm1, the hearing the Sern~sni, the_ fayi~g. the_worth, the_ hanfome expreffion, order, manner, wh1cb m thor P_lacu are a~ good; if ammated n>llb Spm1, lifr and frnoufoefi. . . .9.16. Dirt[/. 7· Look mofi and tirll to the foul in duty, andthefottl ofduly: Thepidure ofmeat Direl/.7~ feedeth not; ~he picture of fire warmeth not: Fire and (hadows will not nourifh us: God lov_cth not dead carcafres inflead of fpiritual worrhip: we regard not word1 our felves, further than they ex- , prefs the Heart. Let the outer part have but its due. . 9· 1 7· Tempt. 8. He ltmpmh you )o rejl in aforced ajfe[icd cottnurfril fcrvtmJ; flirred up by • defire temp1. 8. to tak.! witiJ oth.trJ. 9· 1 8: :pirr[/. 8. Look principally at God and holy motives, and lefs at men, that all your fire be Dire[/. 8. holy, fetcht from Heaven. . 9. 19· Tempt. 9· He would lzeep you in a lazy fluggifh coldnefi, to read, and bear, and pray "'ajleep, 1emp1. 9• a!if yrm did it 1101. · ~ §• 20· Direll. 9· Awake your felves with theprefcnce ofGod, and the great concernrnent of what DireC.l. 9· you are about : and yield not to your floth. 9· 21· Tempt. IO• He would maf<F you bring a divideddif1ralledbearl to duiJ'> 1/m it bJljabout your 1empt. JQ, rrorldly bufi.,efi. · 9· 22· Dircll. 10. Remember God is jealous : your bufinefs wirh him is grelt: much on it : Dirrll. 10. call otfyourheam, and letthem not flay behind : all the powers of your fouls are little onough in fuch a work, E"'"-· 33· 31. §. 23· Tempt. 1I. IgnoraJzce, uJtJkj/fu/nefs and Mnacq#aiJJJcdnrfJ witb duty, it a great impcdimmJ 1empt. r 1. to moj!. 9· 24. Direll. u. Learn by fiudy joyned with pradicc: Be not weary, and difficulties will be Direfr. u. overcome. 9· 25' i'<mpt. 12· Pu11i11g duty ou1 of ilf place, and ncglcfring 1he frafon thal it fimj1, mal(ft it ofl tempt. "" do1ttf/igh1ly. . 9· 26. DircU. r 2. Redeem time, and difpatch other hufinefs, that idlencfs deprive you not ~of lei- Dirc[i. 12. fure: and do all io order. 9· 27· Tempt. 13. NegleUi11g one duly it 1he templert [nare to [poil an01/m: If be can k,ecp yau 1cJftpt. 13. from reading, )'OU wiU not underjland n-·ell wbat you bear : If he l«tp you frsm meditating, yo1t wiU 1101 ,.- digt)l tf!bat you hearor read; If he ~{ftp yo• from hearing, you ll'ilJ want both ffiiltrCr and life[or prayer, and meditation, andconftrence: If he l<_tep you from godly company, jou will be hindered in aU, and i11 the pral7ice : No one Uomitted, butyouaredifadvantaged by it in all the reft. 9· 28. Direll. '3· Obferve how one duty helpetl1 another; and take all together each one in ;rs Dire/1. i3; place. 9· 29· Tdnpt. 14. Sometime the Tempter doth call you off to other duty, and puts in tmjCaj{nable tempt. 14 • motions to tb~Jt which in it1 time Ug11od: he interrupts prayer by meditation; he fits [eeming ttmb againjf Love, and Peace, and Concord. . 1 9· 30. Direll. •4· Still know which duties are grweft, and which is the duefrafon for each, and do Dirt[/. , 4 • all iporder. 9· 3r. Tempt. 1 5• He [poile~b dn~y, by caufing you to do il only at a duty, and not at ameans for tiJt tempt. 15 ; good of your own fou!J, or only as aMea~s, and not as aDut'y : If you do it o~tly as aDuty, then you . wiU ,.or be quick._ncd to it by the ends 8niJ benefit!, nor carryed by Hope, nor fit all to the end, nor be j~ fervent or vigorws in it as the fen[e ofyour own good woJild mak,_ey~u be. And if you doit 011/y aJ aMeans, .a1zd not as aDuty, then yoJt will give over or ftJint, when you wam or qUrjlion the fucctfi; WhlreM tlu fenfe ofboth would mak.! you vigoroUl and ctmftant. • ~· 32·. Dire[/. 15· Keep under the fenfe of Gods AuthOJity, that you may feel your lflves bound Dire[/. 15 • to obey bJ.m, whatever be the fuccefs : and may refolvc to wait in an obedient way: And wirhall admire his wifdom in rittingall Duties to yr1ur Benefit, and commanding yOu nothing but what i~ for your own or .others good, or to his honour : And mark the Reafon and tendency ofall ; and your own Neceffity. · . . 9· 33· Tempt•. 16. 1he 1emp1tr hindereih you in duty, at weU"' from duty, by fouingyiu a quarrel-tempt. r6• lmg wuh the Mznifter, the words, the company, the manner, the circu~{lances, thtu theft tbings mJy divert yortr thoughts from tbe matter, or tiijlral1y9ur mind n•ith caHftlefs fcruplts. . 9· 34• .Dire[/. 16. Pray and labour tor a clear. judgement, and an uptight, fd r-judging, humble Dir<ll· 1 6; heart? WJhch dweUeth moll at home, and looketh moll at the fpiritual put, and atEChth not fin.: / ·~ . . . 9. 35• Tempt. •7· 1he 1empm[poilelh d11ryby your unconftancy: While you read or pray {o fildom.,_ 'tempt. , 7 ; that yoH bave loft the bmefit of one duty, be-fore you come to another, and cool byinurmi!Jrons• . 9· 36. Dire[/. 17. Remember that it is not your divertifemenr, but your Calling, and is io your Direl/. 1 -j; foul, as eating to your llodies. s 9· 37· Tempt. 18.