Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

- ------ --- - --------- Scripture written to be in!l:ead of !f?..!afon, or of a Logickj or other fu~(eryiem Sciences? Or mull: they not all be fanetifted and ufed for. Dtvmtty ~ 4 . But I think that as all good C~mmemaries and Sermons_, and Sy!l:ems of Theology are in Scripture, io IS the DtreCl:ory here gwen, and IS proved by the e.vidence of the very thing dlfcom!l: of, or 'by the ~lairi'e~ Texts. objeCt. VI. Yot< coufowzd your !J?..!adcr by Ctlri'f ty of diflin fti!ms.. ' ,tinjlV. t. If they are l!ain or faife, ihame (hem b y dt teCl:irtg it, or yott Jlume your [elves by blaming them, when you cannot n1eW the error: Expofe not your_ [elves to laughter by ;tl!Oiding jrift diftill Eiiolz t oe(cape confw jion; that is, avmdmg knowledge to efcape Ignotance, or Light to efcape darknels. 2. It is ambig'uity and eoufr1wn that ·breedetl> ahd feedeth almofr all our pernicious Comroverfies: And even thofe that bring in error b-y vain di!l:inCl:icin, mull: be confuted by better di!l:ingui01ers, and not by ignorant Confounders. I- will believe the Holy Ghoil:, :1. 'fim.l.l4,I},t6. that Lo:z,omacbie is the plague by which the bearers are Jubverted, and un:z,od, linejs i11crea[ed; and that Ortbotomie or right dil!ziling the Wo1d of Tmtli is. the ~-ttre. And Heb. 5· I)· Difceming both good an,d evil, is the work of long and well exercifed fenfes. . ObjeCt. V I I. Is this your reduci11g our faith to tf,e primitil!e jimplicity, a1tc! to' tl>e [reed! What a toiifome raok_ do yoz1 make rt\_eligiOII by owrdoing ? Is a>zy m;m , able to remember all thefe mmzberlif> 'Dire[/ions. • Anjiv. 1. I pray mi!l:ake not all rhefe for Articles of Faith. I am more zealous than ever I was for the reduCtion of the C hri!l:ian faith to the primitive limplicity ; and more confident that the Church will never have Peace and Concord, till it be fo done , as to the tell: of mens Faith and rommttnion. But he that will have no Books but his Creed and Bible L' . ') ' may follow that SeCl:ary, who when he had burnt all his other Books as humane inl!entions, at lafl: burnt the Bible, when he grew Learned enough to under!l:and, that the tranflation of that was Humaue too. 2 If men think not all the_Tools in their Shops, and all the Furniture of their Houfes, or the number of their Sheep, or Cattle, or Lands, nor the number of Truths received by a Learning imelleCl:,&c. to be a [rou– ble 2.nd toil, why fhould they think fo of the number ofHelps to facili– tate the praCtice of their duty? If all the Books in your Libraries make your Studies or Religion toiltome, why do you keep them ? and do not cometotheVulgarReligion, that would hear ne more but [Think 1 ve!! 1 jpeak tve/1, aud do zve/1 J, or [Love God and your ner,giJbour, and do as _you would be done by]. He that doth this truly, f1ull be Bm there uoeth more to the building of a houfe, than to fay, Lay the fozmdarion, ani raife the jttperjlrttFitlre: Uni,·er[als exil1: not but in individuals; and the wl 1 ole confi!l:eth of all the parts. is not ex.PeQ:ed that any man remember all thefe DireCtions. There– fore I wrote them, becaufe men cannot remember them,that they may_upon every nece{fary occafion, go to that whtch they have prdem uie for and cannot otherwife remember ' In fumm, to my quarrelfome Brethren Thavetwo reque!l:s, r . That in- . (a) itead.