Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Ho1v to ferw Qlrift in lVell.doing. van.ts. And thcref~rc though he is fo jufi, as not to deny the Reward which was promifed them t theft: that have born the bmden and heat of the day, yet is he fo gr11ciozu a_nd bountiful, that he ~i~ give as much, to thnfe that he findeth as willin}{ and diligent, and wonld have done more if they had had opportunity, 20· 12, 13, 14, IS· You fee in all this, what· our dod::rine is aboutgood WfJrk.f, and how far thofc Papills are to be believtd, who perfwade their ignorant Difc:iples, that we account them vain and needlefs things. Direllwns for faithful fervin$ Cbrifr, and doing ?ood. Dircl1. 1 • 9·4• Direct. I· Be {t1rt tiJat you have tbat'Holineji, Juftice ,md Charity witbiH, which are the neciffary Friltciples of good WIJrkf. For agood Tree wiUbring forth good fruit, aJtd aJt tvit "fret evil fruit: Make the Trte good, and the fruit good: A good man out of tl~e good trea[ure of hii heart, bringeth forth good thingJ: and an evil man out of the evil treajure of hiJ heart, brmgeth forth evil.thingJ.: As out of tht Heart prvceed evil R'/Jrk.J, Ma.tth. I 5· I9, 20. So out of the heait good work.! cume: Matth, 7· 16, 17, IS, 19, 20· Can the dead do the works of the living ? Or. the unh~ly do the works of h1linrji ? or the unrighteo:M do the works of juftice? or the uncho~ritable do rhe works ofcha~ rity? Will he do good to Chrill: in his members on earth, who hateth thc:m? Or will he not ra~ thc:r imprifon them, than vitit them in prifon, and rather flrip them of all they have, than fefd and clothe them? Or if a man fhould do that which materiaL)! is good, from pride, or other finful principles,\God doth not tccept it, but taketh all facrifice but as Carrion, that is otfc:red to him with~ out the Heart. Dirdi· z, 9· 5· Diret{. 2· Colftcnt ~tot your {tlvet to do fome good extraordinarily on tht by, or when yo~t art. urged 10 it; but jludy to du . good, aJfd mal{,e it the "tr11de or hufinefi of y 1ur /ivu. Having {o many •obligations, and fo great encouragements, do what you do with all your might : If you would know whether yoq are fervants to Chrijf, or to the Flcjh, the quiliion mutt be, which of thtfe have the main care and diligmce of our lives: For as every carnal act will not prove you fervants to the fojh, fo every g~od allion will not prove you the fervants ofChrill. Tircll. 3• 9· 6· DireCt. 3· Before yuu do any work_, confider, whether yMt c,m truly {aj, it ii a fervice of God; andwill be accepted by him: See therefore that it be done, 1. 1v hir glory, or to pleafe him: :.. And in obulience to hiJ command. Mec::r naturtJl alliom, that have no mor.rl goad or evil in them, and fo be. long not to morality, thefe belong not to our pn:fcnt fubjed; as being not the matter of r;~tional (or at lcafi of obediential) choice. Such as the winking of the eye, the feuing of this foot forward firll, the taking 'oftbif or that, meat, or drink, or infinHnent, or company, or adion, when they are cqttal, and it is no matter of utional ( or obediential J choice, &c. But every act that is tQ be done deliberJJ~~tly and rationaUy as matter of choice, mufi be moralized, or made good, by doing it, 1. To a right end, and 2. According to the rule. IYbether we eat·or drinJt, or wh.Jtevtr we do ( that is matter of rational chOice) mujt be done by ZM to the glqryu[God. I Cor. IO· 31· All worksrmd not alik.! to his glory: but fomc more immtdiatdy and dirtClly 1 andmhers remotely: But all muft ttltimacely this end : Even St:rvants that labour ~n their painful work, mufi do it as to tbr LIJI'J, and nvt ( only or ultjmately) to men, not with· eye-[ervice as men-plea{trt, but as the {trvanuofChrift, frum J¥hom thry mull have their greatefi reward or puniChment, Ephef. 6. 5, 6, 7, 8. Col. 3• 22, 23, 24, 25· All rhc comforts of food, or nfl:, or recreation, or pleaiure which we take fhould be in– tended to tit us for onr,tvlajlerJ work..., or ftrengthen, cheer and help us in it. Do nothing (deliberately, that belongs to the gov<rnrnem of Rcafon) but Gods forvice in the world ; which you can fay, he fer you on. Dircl1. 4 • 9· 7• Direct. 4• Set noi dutie1 ofPiety, Juftice or Chariljl agai11jl t11cb 'Dther, a1 if they had an enmiiJ to each other ; but tal(e them as in[cparablr!, 8I Godbath tnjde them. Think not to offer God a Sacritice Some thi!lk of injury, bribery, fraud, oppreffion, or any uncharitable work. And pre.tend not the benefit ofmen, they ~mbt by or the fafCty of Societies or-Kingdoms, for impiety againfl: the Lord. curmg t e hum which they have. c~uied ~hemfelves : Sed nequiti~ ell, u~ extr:lhas me~gere, _evmct"e. 1~r fufcitcs 1 includerc _ut emin:1': Non cnim bene~ ficium injume firi1S ; nee unquam 1d detrJ:<dle menmru en, quod 1pfe qu1 denaxtt lntuleo.t. Stlltc. deBtttif. . Virel/. 5· Virell. 6. 9· 8. Direct. 5· Acquaint )'OUr ]elves with aU tbe talen.ts which y'Ju receive frum God, and what i1 tbe Hft to which thtyjho'uld be improved. Keep thus a }Ufl: account of your Reciiving.f, ana what Goud1 of your Mafiers is put into your ha~ds : And make it a principal part of your fiudy, to know what every thing in your han<t is good for to ~our Majlm ufo; and how it is that he would have you ufe it. . Y• 9· DireCt. 6. Keep an account ofy(}Ur expencen at leajl, of aU your mojf Cl}nfiderable talitilJ.; and bril!g your [elves daily or frtquently to a rec~_rming, what good you h,;ve done, or endetvoured to~· Every day is given you for fome good work. Keep therefore account! of every day : ( I mean, m yottr confcie)fce; not inpa]err. ) Every merCy mull be ufed to fome good : Call your felves therefore to account tor every mercy) what you have done with it for your M.tlfcrs vfe. And think not b.mtrl and nlinttttJ, and Uttlc mercies may be pa-lt without coming into the account: The ftrvantthat thm~s he may do what liis lift with ShiUinj!.s and Ptltct, and that he is only to lay out grearer furnrns for hiS MaHers u{e, and lelf: r for his own, will prove unfaithful, and come {hort in his accou.nts : Lefs fitmm~ thanpo•nds mufl be mour reckoningsi 10. li>irect. 7·