Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

The Contents. Dirctt. 1 5• Be wary in chuofing ~ol onry .your Teacb– trs, but ym1r Compa1ry alfo. their CIJ;~rallers. • P· 58 Direct. IS. What Booi<f to prt{er and re•d , and what ti rejdi. p. 6o Direct. I7· Tak,e not a DoiJrine of Libertinifm for Free Grace. p. 61 Direct. I 8. Tak.! h<ed l1jl Grace dtgtneratt, into Counte;feits,formality, &c. P• 63 Diretl. I9· Rt.:~on not on profperlty or lo1Jg life, h11t live 41 dying. P· 65 DireC}. 20. See that your Religion be p:etely Divine: Tlw God beY"" FirjlandLajland .JU: Man n01bing. p. 66 llions for prefervatim aJ:d Remea)'. 1• H ,w,Sa– tan prepareth hir baits r{ Tempt.,.!irm.. p. 1 r r 2. How be applyt~!Jthem. P·II4 Tir. 3• Temptatims ta dtatl1 flf off from d~tty. · p. I2.J. Tir..4. 7'rmptatiom to frltjlrate holy dutiu. p.J 26 Gr. Dir. I ..J. How to work as forvant.r to Chrijt our. Lord. The trm doUrine nfGpod IY"~'· p. 128 Direllions for our ferving Chrijt in wtY dvifig, P· I 30· Where ore many Rt~les to ~tow rvb.:t ·are good work/, a11d hJW to do tbem accept.;bly Oltd focccfifuUy. ' Q. l.t dving good , or avoidilfg fin to be moft IIJo~d at in the cboice of a Calling or Employ· ment of life.? P· I33 CHAp, Ill, Q. May ont cha11ge bi1 CaVing; for advalllagu to - · ~~dl . The G~ntral Grand DireliionJ for wall(!ng 1t>ith God, Q:.. Who are cxcu[td from living in a CaUinz, or · in a life .il[ faith and Holincji; Containing the from Work,? P·12f El[ptti•ls ofGodlinefs and Chriftianity. P• 69 Q. Mujl I do a thing a1 a Good work, wbile I Gr. ~<Jr, 1. Vnderftond well the Nature, GroundJ, dotebt,whethtr it be good,indifferent,orji11? P·l34 RetJfon and Order of Faitb and Godlimfi: Pro- Q_ Is it n,t every 11111111 duty to obey his Conjci– pOJiiiont optning fomewhatof thtm. The Rea- <nee? p. I3) der mujl note, tiJat btrt. I blotted out the Merhod Q Is it mt a fin to go ttg.flinft Confcience l and Helps of t'aith, having fuVicr opened them Q Whttber tbe formal caufe alone do conflitutt in a 1reatife .called The Reafons•of the Chnflian obedience l Religion , and;,atlothtr of the•Unreafonablcnefs ll Q. How fin muft he avoidtd by one tlw hath all ol.InfideHty. .S • trroneur confcience? Gr. Dir, 2· How I~ live by Faith on Chrift• How I Q How can a man •lawfuUy refift or firive againft to maR.; Vfe of Chrijf, in tA'tltiJ ntccf!ititr. P· 72 an erring confcience, rvhtn ht jlrivetb againft a Gr. Dir. 3• How to Beligvt in the HolyGhn/1, and fuppofcd truth? live f.y his Gr<.~ce. Hi1 JYitnt[s, Seal, Earncft,&c. J Q._ ll not l!,oing again{l confcieHct, finning againft Q. When good tjfeiJs are from Meam,from our Knowledge 1 p. 136 Endeavour, and when from the Spirit l P·77,78 . Q:.. TPhen the iHformation of con)cimce requiretb a Gr. Dir. 4· For a 7rut, Orderlj and Pr(lliical 1 j lonJ. time, ir it nt:Jt a dHty to obey it at the Kno<Pitdge ofGod: A Scbtme of hi1 Attributtl , prcJmt l p. 81,82 · Q. /r(;J) one do a-Great Good wbm it cannot be dont Gr. Dir. 5· Of ftlfrefig•ation 10 God ar our Ow-j . but by a Litilt fin ( IH a Lye ) ? . ntr: MMivcr, MarkJ, Mean,, P• 83 1 Q. Mujl I nor forbear aU Good W";,.r, rvhicb I Gr·:.Dir• 6. Of fHbjcliit1n to God lW' our Soverai:z.n camzot do u-ithBIIt fin 1 d{ing. What it is 1 How to bring the foul into Q. Mujl I f orbear a certain great dmy (MpretJch- ..fubjruion to ,Ged: How to k,ttp up a Rtady and ing the Gejpel) for fiar of a fmaQ unmtain fin 1 Conftant ObcJience •to him. P· 85 1 • Gr., Di~. 7.a'oL.t.arn ofChrijlal 011r Ttacher: Howl I Q_ What jlraU • m•n do that is in doubt after aU 7'ht I!fiitation of'Chrifl. oH. P· 90 . the mtanJ th., hecan ufi 1 p. 137 8. ll'o '!Jbt.y\Chrijf our PhJfJcion or Saviour Slxteen Ruin ~~guide a doubting t6nfcienct, &nd t(J , .. j~hjs(J{, beating wor~ p. 95 lznow amQng many{ttming duli~s, which if the c.Jiow each f.colty if difca[td or depraved I The grmeft, and 10 be preferred, 1'• 1.37 .,.InttOt/1 '·' ;,... a/11 and m•ladit! : The WiU: Gr. Dtr. I I· To L 0 V E G'() D M our Fnlm ,,~\IYbesher tbe Loeomotivt and jin[t can move Ul and Felicity and End. The N•ture of holy Love. 10 fin without th• Confcvt of tbt WiU ( or Rea· God mujl: be Loved a1 the Vniverfjl Infinite {on ) uym i!' }are Omiffion? The fin of the Good: Whttber Paffionattly l What of God muft Memor.x,.J.magination, ajfttlWnr, flnfitive oppebe lovtd l p. 141 titt, exterior ptJrtJ, tJ!hicb need a Cwre. FortyiJtlYhat mujl be the Motive of o:tr firft Love? IVhe· trinfecal evils in fin which mak,.e up ill Malignity. thcr Gods JPtcial Love to m? The forti of holy "fbe common Aggravations of fin : Special aggraLove? 1Yhy Love i1 the bigheft Grace 1 P· 143 vations of the fins of the RegtnertJtt• DireWonr 'the Omtrariu ofbiJJy LJve. How God U Hated! to get a batred.o[{tn: How to cure it. p. 9) 7be C()ulfttr{eits ofLove. p. 144 Gr. Dir. 9· Ofthe Chriftian Warfare tender Chri{l: DireCtions how to excite fmd excrcife Divinf LoV{• Who are o•r Entmitl: Oftbe Devil: Tbt }late of ibid. I be·A rmies, and {Jf the War between Chrift and How to fee God: Signs of true Love. p 154 Satan. 1ht mds,grouuds, advantager,auxilia· Gr. Dir. 12· Abfolmtly to TsuH God tvitb Soul, ries, injlrHmtnts and met!Jodr of the Tempter. Body and aU, witb {Hfi acq~tir{cence: Tht NaP• I Of tttre ofTrull ( ofwhich fee more in my ~ife of Horo Satan k_eeptth offthe forcu ofChrijl, and fru· t'airh, andDifp. o{Savio5 t'•irh.) p. I 57·1he jtrattfb all means. Chrijfr coHtrary Methods. ContraritJ: 'lhtCrmmrrfiitr: Q..Of tJ particu· p. 109 1., faith I Tht Vji1 of Trujl. p. I 58. Fifteen Tit. 2. 1rmputiont to pJrticular fins) with DireDircllions for a quieting tmd comforting Tr•JI