Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

The Contents. Tit, 2. Dirtl1i1n1 againjl fiHful Love of Crtaturu. I. Hdps to d;fcovtr finful Love. 2· Help1 to mfn'tifie finful Love. P· 329 Tit. 3· Dirtllions ogainft finful Dtfires and Difcon· tentJ. P· 33 2 Tit. 4• Dirtllions again]! finful mirth and plea- ' fure. P•335 Tit. 5· Dirrlliens againj!finful Hopu. P· 338 Tit. 6. Dirtlliom againft finfitl Hatred, aver[ativn or baclzwardneji towards God •nd Godlinefl. P·339 Tit. 7• DirtDioHS again(l finful Angt?r. J, Dire~ {iions Meditative again(l it, P· 341. Two Di– rcUions prallical againjl it. P· 342 Tit. 8. Dirrllions againj! finful fear, I· Of God. P· 344• 2· Againft finful fear of the Devil, P· H5· 3· Again]! fbt finful ftarof men, and of fuffrri•gs by thtm. P· 346 Tit 9· Dircllions again]! finful Grief and trouble of mind. Whtn finfulP· 35r Tir. I O• Dirt{/ions againft finful Dt{pair (and doubting ), What if it. IP'htn 1he day of Grace ir p:Jjl. Jl'hatfin Hmortal al4d whtlt if Infirmity, &c. P· 355, &c. CHAP. V Ill. Diretiiomfor the Govtr11mem of the fenfos. Parr r.Generlll Dire8ions toGovern them all byfJith, p. j6J, Deny erot all our fenfa .H the Papijls. p. JoJ Part 2. Particular Diretrionr for the Government of the Eyes. p. :>66 Part 3· Direllious fur the Govemment of the E11r. p. 368 ~ Part 4· DireWons f or the Gov(rning the Taftt and 1 Appetitt. P· 370 Tit. I. Direliimu againfl G/uttouy, 1. TPbat it H. 2· What art iu Caufes : 3· The greatne[! of the Jin. 4· Dire8ions and Helps ag11injl it. Rtt/cs for the M.afure ofEating. Tit. 2. Ag•inftexcefs of Drink , and drunlztnnefs. J, What it i4, 1'he varioM degrers. 2.1'he C~ufu. 3.The greatnefs of the fin. 4.The Excufis of ir. Q:._May we dritrk when thirjly, &c. Q May one drink.. healths l 5· Twenty !!0eftions for the convillioH of drtmk,.ards. Twelve ~ejlions to , pruve that it's tbeir wilfulnt[s and flol meer difo~ bilil) to forbear. Praliic<~l DireCtions againjl Tipling, &c. p. 38r Part 5· Tit. I• Dirct1ions againfl Fornicati •n and all uncleannc[s : 1'he Grealmfl of tbe fin; Dirt· Dions for the Cure. P· 394, &c. Tit 2. Direlli.ns •gainft Inward filthy Lufts. p. 400 Part 6. Dire/lions agflinft fi~t[ul txce[s tf jlcep. J, Whatisexccp. 2 TheEvil ofir. O. Whe– ther Love offlecp be a mortal fin. The Cure. P·404 Pm 7· Direllions againj!finful Drtams. p. 407 CHAP. IX. Dirtllions for the Govtrltmtnt ofthe 1ongur. p. 408 Tit. J, 1he Gemral Dire~ivns. The moment of it. The Duties of tht Tongue. Thirty Tongue fim. Tht Curt. P• 408, en Tit. 2. Direliions agaiHjl prophane {wearing) and ufing Gods ni me unrevere.ntly andin Vain. P•414 Whal i1 an Oa1h. What~ a lat>fitl O.,b. How f.Jr lbt Swearer/ Tntozt u. nrccff,;ry to thr bdng of a'l1 O.Jtb. How far [rvearmg by Crraturu U zfin. Q_!J it Latvful to the band •n tbr BaoJt , 11 d k.JJI it in taking an Oath l p. 416. Q_ [f it law~ [ut t9 give another [ttch an Oath or n·o,je .? TVhen God1 name Ut .1k._nt in VRiH. The greatmji of the fin. The Cure. Tit. 3· Dirrliio111 ag,ain{l Lyiug and dijfcmblirrg. p. 421· What1'ruth i1? How far we are bot 111 d lo ffra~ truth. Q lf/lutbrr to every 01 ie that aJ~ttb M l Q 2· Or to rtrcry ~;tc that I anfrrcr to 1 Q 3· Aretl'eboundrver tofprak._ the whole Truth l Q 4· Is aU Logical f~lfhood a [In ( that H, to /peak difogrttably to the Matter.) • Q_5· Or to /peal<_ contrary to our miitdt ? - Q 6'. Is it a .fill when we JPeak._ not a k._nown untruth, 11or wHh • pHrpn{t todeceive l Q_ 7 . Or H1hH a Lye ? Q_8. Mufl nur words be ever true in 1/Jt proptr literal fenfi l Qy. Mujl I fpeaizin the common [m{r, or in tbe Hearrr.r ftnfe l QI O· Is it lariful to deceive a;rother by tr"e wrn:d.r? ~11. Doth LJ•i;rg confilf in Ducivi 1 tg, ?r zn {peak,.tng faljly M to t1Je Matter," in JP ea!?,.~ tng cont~ary to our mind! ? J?hat a Lye is .1 Hm"fin u Volumary? The lmrin{tcal Evit rf Lying. The Curr. ad p. 42 8 Q_1. 11 often Lying a urtain fign of a gracelrfl ]late l Where the qutjlion is again fuUy re{olved ( bccat~{e it iJ of great importance), TYb.zt fin ; 1 Mvrtal, snd r:rhat is klortified? Q 2• Is it not contrary to the light of nature to fuf– fcr) e. g. a Parent, aKiKg, my{elf, my Countrcy rtJther to be dcftro)'td than to fave them by IZ bdrm– lcfllye l The c.l[t of the Midwivn ill lEgypr and of Rahab ope.ed. Q3· I~ dtctit by lf{lion law(ul, rrbicb [temub a Pr:~Dztill Lye l And bawJhaO wdnterpret Chrijh ma~i,tg aJ if he rronld b.Jvt l{one further, Luk. ~ ..... 28. and D lvid's feigning bimfelf mad, and commonJlr.,tagems in JVar, !tnd doin11 tbing 1 purpo{tly to deceive another l b Q_4• Is it lawful to tempt a Cbild or Servant to Lye, nuerly 18 try tbem l Q. 5· Is all equivocation unl.~wfull Q_6. Is aU mental rtflrvation unl.zwfull Q7. May Chi1drtn, Serv.mts or Subje!h in danger ufe words wbicb und t fl hide their faults ? Q_S. May Ifpeolz that whicb I thin~(. i1 true, but am not fore? Q.9• May I brlieve or fpealz that ofanothtr by way tJf news) difco~trfe, charaaer, wbicb I bur Tt'· ported by Godly crtdible per{>nt, or by many. ad p. 4)0 Tit. 4· Dirtlli ·ns againj! Idle tallz and babling. /VJJ~t i1 not Idle tall(.: and R' iJ, The fins of it. 7'be greatnrj1 of th( fin, in general, aud th( {peci;/ aggravations. 1he Cure. TYho mrt/l mnft carrfuUy wat;h agtlinft this fin. p. 43 1 Tit. S· Dircl/i(}1tl '<~~gainjt filthy ribbald, {currit ·M talk. P· 437 ) Tit. 6. Direliions againfl prophane deriding, fcarning or oppofi•g.Godlimfl. P· 438. w,;.. tbe fin i1 ? The greatneji of it, a11d j~ttijh impudence, a11d ttrribieconflqucnls. T!Je Cure.