Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

The Contents. cumfta»co? P· 87 I !t:_ i r r. Muft SubjctlJ or Scrvams forbear rrukly Lci1urn, Readiif~, . nr J!tcb htlp1,. abov~ the L11rd.1 dap Wf!rftup, if Prmccs or MJjtcrJ M for– lid them? P· 871 ~ 11 2· IVbcthEr Religiour 1Pu~(hip may be gi11t11 to 11 Crtatrtre and wbJt? P· 872 Q' 1 3· W1Jtu [m.Jgu, artd wh.zt ufe of lmagu, it Lawful nr VnlJwfu/. P· 873 Q 114 Whether StJge-playJ where the vmuoUI and vitioUJ are ptrf.;n:~.tcd be lawful ? P· 877 Q 1 J 5· ]J it ever unlawful to u[e tbck,.nonm Sym· b,/, a<dbad~" of Jd,/wy l P· 878 QJ16. 1J it tml;wf:tl to rt{ethe B.:Jdge or Symbol of 1 my crro;rr t.r [tti i1t tbt lYvr{hip of God ? P· 879 Q 1 I 7· tire all Irrdiffermt things made u~ti-4YP[Hl t J tff, which J'h;ll be abufed to IdalatT(IIff TYor· jlnpl P· 8.79 Q.118• /vl.J) we u{e 1he uamtf of treelzd:zyCJwhich JdolatcrJ bo;wural their Idul1 witb, .u SunUay, MundJy, S1turd:.y, and the rejt ; And {u tht M.m1h1 l P· 88o Q 1 19· IJitlazful to pr'a)' frcretly rrhm we com.e firjf ii-lto:In Clmrch 1 rJPcciaLj rr;hcn the Clm~cl~ u otbcrwi{e cmplr')•Cd l JbJd. Q:,. J zc, M.1y a Preacber kntel donm iu the Pulpit tmdufc hUpriva~e pr.zyers wb~n he M in the A[– fcmbly l P• 881 Q_ 12 I. !o·Cay a Minijler pray publickJy in hil own H.Jmt fi11g,l}', for him[clj' or others; or only iit ,be Churches namt 1 ar tbeir mouth to God ? ibid. QI22· May the name Priejl!, Sacrifice, and Altar bt larrfully now ufed injltad of Chrij/1 Mini· jlm, Worjhip, and 1he Holy Table l ·p. 882 QI '},3· May the Communion 'fp.b/c be turnedAltar~ wifC tmd R.ailed in 1 And i1 iti.Jw{HJ to C()mc up to the Raih tocommuMicate? P· 882 Q 124Is it lawful tou{c DJvid's rfalms in o:tr AfJemblitJ l P· 883 Q..12 5· MJ.Y P(almJ be u[id M pray<rJ, and praifrs and ThanbJgivi1t.~s l or ouly as bt]lru· {live; Even the Reading as rvcli as the ji1rging of them l ibid. Q.126· Are our Church-Tunes L.zwful being of inventionl P• 884 Q..127· IsChurcblv!ujicl{_ hyOrganJor JucbinjtmmentJ Lawful? ibid. Q 128. lJ the LordJ dJy a Sabbatb, and [o to be caUtd and ~ept, and th..Jt of Divine injiitution, And i1 tbe Jivtmh d3y Sabbalh abrogmd, &cl p. 88 5 ~I29• Is it Lawful tn appvint lmm.:me H·,[y d..~ycs, and nl;fcrve them l ibid. Q I30. Howfar Wthe holy ScripturtJ a Law and perfe[i R:de tQ m? p. 886 Q 13 I· 1Yhat Addilions or huma1Je Inventions in or about ]{e/i~ion not cnmma~tded in Scri– pture, are Lawful or Vnl.zwful? P· 887 £2:.132. l 1it u;daw]itl to obry ia aU tbfe c.Jjis, where ir UHi1lawfuJ to impnje and commaHd, er in n·hat cafes; A;uJ borv far Pajlors mu(t be be– lieved and obrycd? p. 888 Q_133· What are the arlditimu or i1~Vtnti&ns of mcn 1 which art nnt fi,rbidden by the 1Vurd ofGod (whether hy Rulers or by privau men invem~ eJ)? P· 889 .Q_ 1.3 4· 1Vbat are the mifchitf; nf :mlllrrful Ad~ dirions in Rciigi·.m l · p. 891 Q1 3S· lfb:Jt are tbe mifchiefs of mens errour on tbe otiJl'r extrc:zm, rvho pretend tbat Scripture if a Rule where it iJ not, and drny tin afore{aid J,JTvf~tl ,thi11g1, Oil pretence tb t Scripture if a per[<[) Ru'e (fay fome ftr aU 1bi11gJ ) l P· 892 ~I36. Ho'r:> fhaU rre know wh:.t pat'II of Scri.~ ptttre precept or CX:Jmplt were intended for uni~ urf.zt conjfant oblig11tion , and n·bat were but fnr tbe time and perj;ms that tbey wtre thm di.– rdledtol p. 893 ..Q_ I37· H·rw mutb nf tbe Scripture i1 neceffury to jjlu.;ti:m to be belitiled and ttnderftood l P· B94 Q.t38· Hnw may ~Pe k,_now the FundamematJ, Effcnti.ziJ, or rvbat p.~rtJ arc nccrff<.~ry to [alv~.~ · tiyn ? And i1 the Papi]fs way aUorvrJb!e that ( {ome of them) deny tiJ:Jt diftinliion, and! tbe dffcrence to be o1rly i1t the drgrec.r of m,tffJ opportunities of k.!rowledge ? p 895 Q tJ9· What ir the ufe a11d Authority of the Creed ; And M iJ t!{ tbe Apl.l}fltJ framing or n~t ; And M it thl /Yord of God, or not ? p. 896 Q_ _r 4C· WhJt i1 the ufe of CatechifoJJ > P· 897 Q141· Cottld aJry nf :u h.;ve k,:town by the Scri– ptures alone the EJF·mials of Religion from the Yeji, if traditian h.uJ. not give1t them to M in tht Crted as [tom Apojiolical CoUtUioH ? ibid• .Q,_142· What i1 Ibe brjl method of a trHe Can• <bijm or fum of Theolegie > p. 898 .Q,_143• Wbdl ir "" ufe cf varioU< Cburcb·Con· /ffJions or Articluof f<.~ith ? . ibid. .Q:.•44· May not the fubfcribing of the whole Scripturu {erve turn for a!l the f .m:Jaid ends h'itboM Ctnds Catecbi[ms or Conf.'f!ions ? ibid•. .Q,_ 145· May a """be {aved tbal believtth aN tbe Effemials nf Reli~ion as CGming to him by verbal Tr.zdition, ar.d 1101 as c1ntaincd in the HJJ/y Scrip:mCI, wbich perbp1, he never kmw? P• 897 ..Q_ T 46. ], the Scriptttre fit for aU ChrijlianJ, to read, being fo obfcurc? ibid. ~ T+7· How [Jr is '1raditioJt and mens words and MiniJfry to be u[rJ or tru}led in, in thl ex~ ercife of f.tilh ? p. 900 ..Q_ 148. H1w k.Jt'!W n 1 e the trut Canon of Scripmre frvm Apocrypba? ibid• .Q,_149· lJ the publick,_ Rcadi"g ef the Scripture tbe proper WJrJt of the Minijler ; er may " Lay m(m orJi,zarily do it, or anotlur oj]icfr ~ P·90I ..Q... I 50. ], it Lawful to Read the Apocrypha, or any guod Book.! be[zdcs the Scripmtes to the Church; as Homili(J>&c? il>id• .Q_} SI· N[;y Cb:trch·AJJemhUu be hr!d, rrbm! there is 110 !Yhnijlcr ? or wb.zt publick., IYor"– jhip may be fo perfvrmed by Lay-men ( Ar ll~non;, Infidels m· P:.~.pijls wbere ptr{tctai.•m b :b · k1Ued, imprifVncd or cxpclied tbe MinijlrJ' ) ?. p. ~02 .Q,_t52·