Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

4 _fitf,eifm briefly confuted. '· Thn thou ~. 5· 2· I fuppofe that thou /t,_nowej! thy ftlf to be a man; and therefore that thy fenfitive parr (or Jmowetl: thJs: f\c{h ) fhould nomore m le thu, or be ungovernedby thee, than the Horfe foould rule the Rider, or be ~nd .,.,_hat a unruled by him : And that thou unde1Jandejlthat thou art mtJ.dt on purpofe to Love and Serve thy nJan u. Maker, and to br b.rppy in his Loveand GlorJ' for ever." If thou know not this much, thou knowefi not that thou art a man, or elfe knoweft not what a man i-t. 3 Th" thou ~· 6. 3· I fuppofc thee to have a Natural felf-/ovt, and a defire of thy own prefervation and h"pfi· baH felf-love neJi; and that thou hafi no ddlre to be miferable, or to be hated of God, or to be caH: out ofhis fa– :lnd a defire vour and prefence into Hell, and there to be tOrmented with Dcvjls everlafiingly: Yea, I will Cup– to he bppy pofe that thou art not indifferent whether· thou dwell in Heaven or Hell, in Joy or Torment ) but 4 . Thot thou wouldfl fain be faved.and be happy: Whether thou be.Godly or Ungodly, wile or foolilh, I will be moJ,n not bold ro take all this for gro~red: And I hope in all thisl do not wrong thee. thy fdf' .nd ~· 7• 4· I fuppofe thee to be one that knowefl that thou didfl not makf thy [elf; nor give thy felf ~~~fe1!fa~il that Power or JVifdomwhich thou hafi:; and that he that made thee and all the w(/rld, mull needs be th~ Beirg, hcfi re all the world, and that he is Etemal, havingno Eeginniug : (for if ever there had been a rime Po·<~-er, \\if· when there waf mtbinJ{, there never would have been any 1hing,; becaufe Notbing can mak._e nothing:) d<m '"l And I fuppofe thou doH confcfs that all the Power,and Wifdom, and Goodnefs of the whole Creation fet Goodne!'"s of together, is lefs than the Power, and TVi{dom, andGoodmfs of the Creatl)r: Becaufe nothing can give :~~et~eh~~~l· more than ir bath .to gi.uc. I fuppofe therefore that _thou dbll confefs r~at there is aGad: For robe ( f"n"IIY 01 [ 1heEtemal Injinue Eeing, end rbe moj! Powerful, Wife and Good, and tbl jirft CdHfe of aUCreated Be– eminen·ly) ing, Power, andJ.Yifdom, andGoodnefs J this (with the fubfequenc R.elauons to the Creature) is to mo" than all be G 0 D. If thou wilt d<ny that there is a God, thou mull deny that thou art a man, and that ~~~~;fo~n~:it there u any ma;t, or any Being. there is a God. cu·n defPiar: c.cpimu-s & [c':tirt, quid fim~rJ & qnii ab ~V~immtibtu e~wu Jijfer:tmr~s., tmr. t:t in{tt]''; jJtcipitmu-s (11/ q:t~ r.ui /KmNi;\ Cicero s,de finib. Sef the proof uf the God-he:1d, and lhat God is the Govemour of the world, anJ that there is :another life for man .i in the bt'ginnir.g (I[ ;;~;!~;c;:Jb,::·:i:~: ~:,% ~~:').:inurr, ffii>i:~~~t~ qlit'7J Jucim:u, a DCD nbbU dari & imparti,jvidtmi{S. Cict"ro proRof. fl2E5 ·eft ta;x 7.:U,rm, qui cum /11.fpc:trrit in cu:l~i: droJ tffi »611{mittt? & ta quo~ ttlllta mcm jilfnt, M·vix q11i[q:wn am NU:t ordiMm m:.m Jtq1.c <-•i:i/]itlldi;wn pcrfcq~i pof!it, c~_ru fitri pMct? Cicrrode Refp. Arufp. 1 \ Re::d G.t,'m\ Hymn' to the Cr(ator, Li. tft ;ifA p11rti11m. p J>tiput, t. 3· citp. Jo. . . · N~;Ua :,w tfl tam immt.VIflltt«, ~tcquc tarn [cm~ qu.t 111111 ttiatr~ft itwomquaietllDtllm h1.hertdmat, tamw h4hendum {ciM. Cicer..> r.dele,. Om,tibu-s inn.ttum, & qr~«(i infcu[?t!lm c~, cfft D:o!. H. d~Na.t.D:or. · AtnnfiimtM Deum ex opelib:tt. tjJU, Ctrrro 1. Tu(cul. L Nu!Mn e{l a~im4l pr~t!r Jm;;intm quo~ hAbet. 11Uam 1111titi_J~ Dei._ Cicero t. de Legib. NMj~ ge;1 {tra '*f¥S mtRtclfS nail~mb .. t'Jt dtorllm opM111, Ctcero 1. Tufcul. [ [ h;ul rJthc.r belie\'~ 2ll the F1bl.:s in th.e Lc~ends, T2hnud, Alcoran,th:l.n th:n this !mi-.erl":~.l fr2me is w;tbout ~ mind.]Lord Bae~r E.Jfay l6. [-A little Phi!ofophy inclin:t~ mJru-mind 10 Atheifm; but d.:_prhin ~hi!ofophtb~i~g~rh nmumi~ds_about to Rel1gio~d Lord Baco11 EffoJ16S:oici diamt UnumD~llmcffe, IJ{Ilmq; ':"" mrnctm& {tttRm&..Jr:nxm_al~liift : PmtciPII JU~m cu·~ cflu a_ud {t, fubft_:J.ntuzm U'nlltm_ po ammiJJ •tfJ:J.(IJ. corvrrtiffi-· -- ~·od _a·tftlif {tt_CI~t, ~t?fntm D!um efft lJf'Cl'n.1pftt_(i~. Hu11o-omn 1''Wt f:m?Utrn~'!' ptr 1_1[fJJ11 ( matmam)-. 1'1!/Um {l"l'g:<l.:. c"rt4rt. /tfu!fdfPlt quQ1i r1g1 & adm)flijlrJ.rJf«:ti!dl.'lll mmc'fJ V" prormknt~a.m m:.ttcprr uma ltillt5 (:rttts prrt111J,lllte--Laen. iA Z-enonc-: !: T hJt ;fte 9· g. 5· I fuppofe thou knowef\ that G 0 D who gav: a !icing unto aU thingr, is by this title of ~rwor of aU Crtation, the Abfolute Owner or Lord of AU.: And that he that made the Rt.:z[onable Creaturer, wuh Qt~c I..o"~/- 1?~ Natures ,, be Governed ill order to a further End, is by that title, their Supream Governour, and therc– rh:rt~~~~r 2 0 f. fore hath his Laws commanding Dut]!, and promiji11g Reward, and threatJting punijhment ; and therefore thr Ration21 .wjll Judge men according to thtfe Law1, and will be Juft in judgement, and in his Rewards and Cre2mrc: ami Punithments. And that he that freely gave the Creature it's Bciilg, and all the Good it batb, and mull: thd ~e'd~aU: give it all that ever it 01all have, is the Father or moft Bountiful Benefatlor to his Creatures. Surely ~11 n °· 2 I fcrcw thee not too hi£:h in fuppofing thee to know all this : For all this is no more than that there if a Gad. For he is not God, if he be not the Creator, and therefore our Owner, our Ruler, and Be· nefallor, our Abfolute Lord, our mofi Righteou! Governnur, and our mofi: Lovi11g Fat her or Brmeja{/ar. $.That this God mull be obeyed omd lov~d. 1· !l· 6. I fuppofe therefore that thou art convinced, that G 0 D mufl be abfolutcly fobmitted to, and obeyed before all others in the world, and Lo-:Jcd aboveaU jriend1, or pleafure.r 1 or crtatweJ whatfo-– ever. for to fay, Ht Umy Owmr, is to fay, I mnjl }'ieldmy felf to bim as hU Ow11: To fay, I tafte bim for my Jieprtam Govtrnour, is to fay, that I will abfolutely be ruled bJ' him: and to fay, I tflk._t him aJ my deardf Father_ or chit[Bcntfa{Jo:, is to fay, that I am obliged to give bim my de~rcft Love, and bigbrft thankJ : Othcrw1fe you do but Je:dl, or fay you know not whJt, or comrad16t your fclves, while you fay, He i< your God. · h 9· IO· 7.1 fuppoie thou art eafily convinced, that in all the world there is no Crcat~re that can ?hi!,~: ~c; b: thew fo full a title to thee as Gt.d ; or that hath fo great AuthtJrity to Govtrn thee, or that can be fo preferred be- Good to thee, or do fo much for thee, as God can do, or hath done, and will do, if thou do thy part; fore him. And therefore that theie is nothing to be preferred before him, or compared with him in our obe:- dience or Love : Nor is there any that can fave us from his Ju!lice, if we fiand out againfi him. • S.That be tbar ~· 1 I· 8. I fuppofe that as thou knowefl God is juj!, i)J his Lawr and Judgemcntr, fo that he is fo ~ ~~~~~~he the faithful r~at he J~iU not, and fo AU{Hfficien~, that he need not deceive mankjnd, and Govern them by Hopes 1nd meer dece1t ; Tlus better bcfeerns rhe Devil~ than God : And therefore that as he goverJ;~eth man on ~~r: L~e~nt~~th not rul~ them by deceit 1nd Jies, a~J 1h:u he hmh Rew:aJs and punilhmcnts hereafter. b-/UffdUJ ttu>nine rtgitJu, tfltt; q_uaft comtr.tJII's 111bJ& th·itaJ tomi.Aum. Cicero t. de Gnib. Impiis apud i11{tros funt pren~ pr~par.atl. Gcrro 1, de Imcnt. Iwpii apud i~fmu fruJ'!J b~u/Jt, ldtm ~)hi!. & 1. de legib. 7~vt!f! iollfinat~rrm mum, & ontni..t. Kutu rtgentem, & prA/t'IIWn a- pr.tp1wttm1 qr11 d..bUAt, Jw1d fa~e wtdl1g~, Cirf JtD:udem, (1t{ii, a11 nuUus fit J:rt>Jtm p~gu. _C1cer. deN.u.Dcor. :z.. p•.ojS. earth