Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Mltks of an tmconvcned ltare. Direfliow to the-Uwenewed. Signs of m1 uncon1Jertedpnfon. y_our Sa,nCtificr: and if n_ow _yo~l neglect or mock at fanChtication, what do you but deride ypur Bap. t1fin, or negkCl_ that wh1ch IS HS ftnfc ::md end? It dot~ nor fo mt~ch concern you to know that you Jive the life of nature) as to know whether fanClitication have made you fpirituailr alive to God. §. 4· Aud let me tell you this toyour encouragement, that we do not call you to know tb:J.t }ron are mzccnverud, and unpardoncd, and miforable, as men that have no remedy, bu~ mufi fit down in de~ Jp.tir, and be tormented with the fore-knowledge of your endlefs pains befort the time. No; it is bur that you may fpcedily and thankfully accept ofChril\, the full remedy, and turn to God, and quickly ~et out of your~~~ and_ terror, and enter_ i~to a life offafety and of pe~ce. We dcfire ~lOt your con– tmuance m that hie whtch tendeth to ddpau and horror: we would have you out of tr, if it \\'Cre in our power before to morrow : and therefore it is that we would h_ave }'Ou undcrfiand what danger... you are in, that you may go no further, but fpeedily turn back, and feek for help. Aud I hope there is no hurt (though forne prefent trouble) in fuch a difcovery of your danger as this is. Well, if you are but willing to know, I !hall help you a little to know what you are. 9·5· I ·JF you arc perfccutors,or ~aters,or deriders ofmcn,for bein.g fcrious an~ diligent in the fervice of God, and fearful of finmng, and becaufe they go not wuh the multrrude to do evil, it is a certain tign that y,oa are in a fiate of death : Yea, ifyou luve not fuch men, and defire not rather to be fuch your felves; than robe the greatdl of the ungodly. Sec Gal. 4· 29· Al/126. rr. r Tinz. r. 13. 1 Pet. 4· 2, 3, 4, 5· Pjdl. 15. 4· 1 John 3· 8, 9, 10, u, 12, 13, I4, I5· John r3· 35· Pfa/. 84. 10. 9· 6. 2· If you love the world beft, and fet your affections moll on things below, and mind moll earthly things; nay, if you feek not firll Gods Kingdom, and the righteoufnefs thereof, and if your hearts be not in Heaven, and your affections fer on the things that are above, and you prefer not your hopes of life eternal before all the pleafurcs and profperity of this world, it is a certain fign that you arc but worldly and ungodly men. See this in Matth. 6. 19, 20, 2I, 33· P/Ji/. 3· 18, 19, 20. Co/.3. I, 2, 3, 4· P[al. 73· 25. 1 J ohn 2. 15, 16, 17· Jamu I· 27· Lukf 12. 20, 21. & r6. 2j· ~· 7· 3.lfyour ellimation, bdief and hopes of everlallinglife through Chrill, be not fu<h as will prevail with you, todeny your [elves, and forfake Father and Mother, and the nearefi frimds, and houfe, and land, and life, and all rhat you have for Chrill, and for thefe hopes of a happinds hcreaftci, you are no true Chriflians> nor in a fiate of favinggrace. See Lu~e 14· 26, 33· Mattb. 10. 37, 38,39-. Matth. 13· 21, 22· • §. 8. 4.Jfyou have nm be{!' converted~ regenent~.l "!\nd Co.n£\:i~~d by the Spi-r~t ofJefo:s Chrifr; making you fpirimal, and cauhng you to mind the th1ngs of the Sp1nt above the rhmgs of rhe fle!h, If this Spirit be not in you, and you walk not afcer it, bur after the flefl1, making proviJion for rheflefh, ro fatisfic: its dtfires, and preferring the pleafing of the flell1, before the pleafing ofGod, it is certain that you are. in a !late of death. See Mattb. rS. 3· J ohn 3· 3, 5, 6. Heb. J2, If· Rom. 8. r. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9., 10, J 1 1 12, I3· & I3· 13, 14• L11'k,e t6. I9,25• 6.. 12· 20,2 I. Heb. li• 25, 26. 2 Cor. 4 • J6, 17, 18. & 5· 7• Kom. 8.JJ, r8. . ~· 9 • 5 . If you havejaiJy known fin which you do not hate, and had not rather leave it, than keep ir and do not pray, and fhive, and watch againfi it, as far as you know and obferve it, but rather excuf~ it, plead for i~, cltfire it, and. are ]~th to part with it, fo that your will is habitually more for it than againfi it, it IS a fign of an Hnpimtent unrenewed heart. I Jolm 3• 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, Ic, 24. Gal. ·5· 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. Rom. 7· 22, 24. & S. 13· LH/?J I3· 3, 5· Maub. 5· 19, 20. 2 Tim. z, 19 Pfal. 5· 5· Lulz,e I3· 27. 9. ',o. 6. If you Love not the Word as it is a light difcovering your fin and duty, but only as it is a general truth, or as itreproveth,others: Ifyou love not the moit iearching preaching, and woul<;l uot know how bad you are, · and come not to. the light, that your deeds may be m~nifeil, it i.s afign that you are not children ofthe light, but of the darknefs, John 3· r9, 20, 21. §. 11• 7· If the Laws of your Creator and Redeemer be not of greatell power and authority with you, and the will and w?rd ofGod cannot do more with yo~t, than the word or will ofany man,. and the rhreatnings and prom1fc:s of God be not more prevalent wtth you, than the threats or promiks ofauy men, it is a fign that you take not God for your God, but in heart arc Atheifis and ungodly men. Lulz,e 19· 27. Matth·7· lt, 22, 23, 16. Dan. 3• r6, 17, IS. & 6. 5, ro. Jer. 17. 5, 6. Lzzl;_e 12. 4· A /.is 5· 29· P[al. I 4• I, &c. §. I2, S.If you have not. i? adeliberateCo~enant or rcfolution.devotcd and tJiven up y~~r felves to God as your Father and feliCity, to Jefus Chrtfl as your only Saviour, and your Lord and K1ng, and to the Holy Gholl as your Sanctifier, to be made holy by him, defiring that your heart and life lhould be perfectly conformed to the will of God, and that you might know him, and love him, and enjoy him more; you are void ofGodlinefs and true Chrifiianity : For this is the very Covemnr which you make in Baptifm, w\Ji>h you call your Chrilleniug: 41atth. 28. r~, 20. 2 Cor. 8. 5· 1 Cor. 6. 17• John,. 10, 11, I?• G•J, 4· 6. Rom. 8. q, '5• §. r;. I