Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

1JireE1iom to the Unrenewed. Sober~ compare tiJe things before yotl: ~ 9 Till you are fanClified you are heirs ofdtatb and HeU, even under the CHr.fe, andcondemn· ~11!'S ge~enoz td a·l~~d)' in point of Law, rhough judge~e1u have not pall the final femence. See John 3• I S,1g,36. ~:~:~edn;:; And nothing is more certain, than that you had been damnel). an~ un~one ~or eve~, 1f you ha~ dye~ uno modo b ~ ou had been renewed by the Holy Ghofi; a-nd that yet th1s Wtll be your m1ferable poruon, 1f omn~s ex• L o~e y ld dye unfandified. Think then what a life you have lived until now? And think what it crucntpec~a~ou 1\0:C any longer in fuch a cafe in which if you dye, you are certain to be damned. Converfion rot~· fi llm~ ~:~ favc yo.u, blt{ unbelicf and felf-flattery will not fave you from this endlefs rnifery, Htb. 12· I~· ~~i':~uq~~;- .. Heb. 2· 3· M:uth. 25· ult. : . ~~;~a::'f~~uni illic fcntitur & pcm:~ : Nam fic'ut.bic unus ~ol non omnia corpora :rqualiter calcfacic, ita illic unus ignis animas pro qua\itate crimi; num d 1 ffimiiaer es.utit, /:i!.goEtbm;~.nlls deAmn, rcgn{ cap. n. 1· I O• 10· As long as you are unfanClified, you are bafti~g to_ thil miJ!ry : Sin is like togctmor~ r~~~fe~~~~; rooting ; and your hear~s to be more hardened, and at enm1ty With grace~, and God more provoked, dcfcenfus eR; and the Spirit more gneved; a~d you are every day nearer to y_our hnal doom, when all thefe faith 111axathings will be more fenlibly conhdered, and better underfiood, 21tm. 3· 13. 2 Pet. 2· 3· goraJ(mLtUrt.) Thus 1h~ve,; given you a brief account of the cafe of unrenewcd fouls, and but a brief one, becaufe ~~~;ia~:~ted 1 have done 1t before more brgely. ( Treat. ofConverf.) that he mufi die inall:rwge ---------------------------------~- Countrey. Direction ro. 'lTT He~r you l:~ave found out how fad a condition ) 1DH are in, confider what there if in DireQ. I Cl· VV fm to mak,_e yo:~ ammd1 or repair your lofi , that jhould be any hinderaHce to yrmr Convcr[iolt• 9. 1 • Certainly you will not continue for nothing ( if you l;,now it to be nothing) in fa dangerous and doleful a cafe as this. And yet you do it for that which is much W9'f[e than nothing, not confide.. ring what you do. Sit down fometimes and well bethink you, what rccompence the world or fin will make you, for your God, your fouls, your hopes, and all, when they are !oftand pafi recovery? Think what it will then avail or comfort you, that once you were honoured, and had a great efiate; that once you fared of the befi, and had your delicious cups, and merry hours, and fumptuous attire, and all fuch pleafures. Thirtk whether this will abate the horrors of death, or put by the wrath of God, or the icntence ofyour condemnation, or whether it will cafe a tormented foul in Hell ? If not ; think how fmall, and fhort, and filly acommodity and pleafure it is, that you buy fo dear : And what a wife man can fee in it, that fhould r:na_ke it fe:m worth the ]oyes of Heaven, and worth your en.. during evcrlafiing torments. ~hat IS t.t that ts fuppofed worth all this? Is it the fnare ofprefer.. ment ? Is it vexing riches? Is tt befo? honours ? Is _it dif\:rading cares? Is it fwinifh luxury 01 lull ? Is it beafily pleafures ? Or what IS 1t elfc that you will buy at fo wonderful dear a rate? 0 la• mentable folly of ungodly men 1 0 foolitb finners! Unworthy to fee God ! and worthy to be mife– rable I 0 firangely corrupted heart of man, that can li:ll his Maker, his Redeemer, and his falvation, at fa bafe a price. Direction I r. ANd when you are cafting ttp )Oitr account, ar you put all that fin and the world Direll. 1 h . wiU do f or .You in tht one enq o[ the fcalu, {o put into tbe other the Comforts b01h of th~ life, and ofthat to come, whtcb you muff part w1th for your jin1. 9. 1. Search the Scriptures, and confider how happy the Saints of God are there defcribed : Think what it is, to have a purified cleanfed foul, to be free from the ilavcry of the Acfh ana ies concupifcence to. have the fen~tive appetite in ~ubjed:ion unro Reafon, and Reafon illuminated and red:ified by fatth; to be ahve to God, and d1fpofed and enabled to love and ferve him; to have accefs to him in prayer, with boldnefs and affurance to be heard ; to have a fealed pardon of all our fins, and an inre.. refi in Chrill, who will anfwer for them all and ju(\ifie us ; to be the children of God, and the heirs ofHeaven; to have peace of Confcience, and the joyful hopes of cndlefs joycs; to have communion with the father, through the Son, by the Spirit, and to have that ~pirit dwelling in us, and working to our further holmefs and JOY ; to have commumon With the Samts ; and the help and.comfort of a~l Go~s Q~dina~ces, and to be under his many pr~cious pro~i{Cs, and under ~is ~roteClion and pro– vtfion m h1s fam1ly, and tocaf\: all our care upon h1m ; to deltght our felves daily m the remembracce and renewed experiences of his love, and in our ( too little ) knowledge of him, and love to him and in the knowledge of his S~n, and ofthe Myficries of the Gofpcl ; to have all things work togcthe; for our good, aiJd to be able. wuh Joy to welcome Death, and to live as in Heaven in the forefight of our cverlailing happinef:· I would have orderlyher~ given you a pa~ticular account of the priviledges of .renewed fouls_, but that I have done fo much m that already 1~ my Treatife ofConver]ion, and Satnts ·Rtjf. ThiS tafie may help y~u to fee ~hat you lofc, whtle you abide io an unconverted' flare. • D 2 Direction /