Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

TemptatiQil> to tak:e mortal fins for Infirmities. § 8 1 ~ 6. And God giveth eo many internally fome g_r11ce of the Spirit, which is not prop~r to rhc~ that arc faved but com1mn or prcp.Jratol)l only. And th1s may make much refi{tancc agamll hn, though jr do not mortifte it. On=chat fhould Jive but under the con~id:io~1s t.hat Jud,r; had when he hang'd himfelf, 1 warrant him would have ftrivingJ and combau agamil fm m h1m ,, though he were un· !anClitied. 3) 9· 82. 7· Yea, the intcrefi and power of one fin, may refill another~ As covetoufnefs may make much refifiance againll fenfuality and pride of lift:, and pride may refill all difgraccfulfin. _ §: 83. Tetrpt. 8. But,_foit~ the Tempter, it ~J mt unpardoued.Jin, becaufe thou artforry anddo[l repent 1empt. 8. fl)r tt when tiJJtt hJjt commzttct:i tt : and aU fin u parduned tbut u repentedof. . 9• 8f· Dire/J. 8. All thc'forof~id caufes which may make [ome rt{!j!ance of fin in the ungodly, may VirtU. 8. caufe alfo fome forrow and repentmg in them. There is repenting and forrow for fin in Hell. All men repent and are (Qny at lafi:: but few repent [o as to be pardcncd and favcd. \\'hen a finncr hath had all the fweerncfs out of fin that it can yield him, and feeth that its all gone, and the fling is left be· hind, no marvel if he repent. I think there is fcarce any Drunkard, or Whoremonger) or Glutton, (that is not a flat Infidel) but he repenteth of the fin that's p•fr, becaufe he hath had all out of it that it can yield him, and there is nothing left of it that's lovely : But yet he goeth on I\ill ; which thewcth that his Repentance was unfound : True Repentance is a through change of the heart and life : a rurning from fin to a holy life: and {i.~eh a forrow for what is pafi, as would not let you do it, ifit were to do again. If you tntly Repmt, you would not do fo again if you had all the fame temp· tations. 9· 85. Tempt. 9· B11t,{aith tbe Tempter, it i1 hut one fin, and the rtjl ofthyliftiJgood and blame- Tempt. 9 • lefi : .,,d Godj11dgetb by the greater part of thy life : wlmher tbt evil or the good be mojl. §. 86. Dire{]. 9· If a man be aMurderer, or a Traytor, will you excufe him, becaufe the rell of his Dircl1. 9 • life isgood, and it is but one fin that he is charged with? One fort ofpoyfon may kill a man; and one 1\ab at the heart, though all his body clfe be whole: you may furfeit on one difli : One leak may fink a Ship. Jam. 2. 10. Who[oever jhaO "Jep tht whole Law, and J" offend in out point, it guilty of aY. See Ezek. 18. 10, 11· Indeed God cloth judge by the bent of thy heart, and rhe main drift and endeavour of thy life. But cant\ thou fay, that the bent of thy heart , and the main cndea· vour of thy life, is·for God, and.Heaven, and Holinefs ? No : if it were, thou wenRegenerate ; and this would not ]et thee live in any one beloved, dlOfen, wilful fin. The bent of a mans heart and life may befinful, earthly, flelhly, though it run but 'in the channel of one way of grofs finning! As a man maybe covetous, that hath but one Trade; and a Whoremonger, that hath but one \Vhore _; and an Idolater, that bath but one Idol. If thou loved!\ God better~ thouwouldfi let go thy fin: And if thou love any one fin better than God, the whole bent of thy heart and life is wicked ; For it is not (et upon God and Heaven, and therefore is Ungodly. y. 87. Tempt. IO· But,faith the 'femptct, it it not reigning unpardoned fin, btcaufe thou believeft in Tempt. 10. Jefiu Cbrift: And aY that Believe, are pardoned and.jujlijitd from aY their jinJ. · 9· 89. Dire[/. ro. He that favingly believeth in Chrifi, cloth take him entirely for his Saviour and Dire{/. IC• Gove.rnour; and giveth up hi~felf t.o. befaved, fanCl:ified and ruled by him: ~s '1rufting your Phyficlo11, tmplyeth that ~ou take ~IS Med1~mes, and follo~ h1s ad~Jc~, and fo truft h_tm : and nor that you trufi to be cured while you diiobey him, by bare trufimg : fo IS It as to your faith and trufi in Cbritl : It is a belief or trufi that he will fave all thofe, that are ruled by him in order to falvation• .B< ir the author of eternal falv9twn to aY them that obey him: Heb. 5· ~· Ifyou btlitvt in Chrift, you believe See more of Chrift : And ifyou believe Chrijl, you believe that except tJ man lie converted avd born·again, be cannot Tempt:~.u~.ns, enter into tht Kingdom ofHeavm, John 3• 3, 5· Matth. r8. 3. and that he th~t ilin Chrif!, .iJ a new Ch•P·l· D~>·9· creature; old things are pajr an>8y, aw:l aU is bccoi'Nt new, 2 Cor. 5· 17. And that without holincfs none fhalt fee God. Heb. l2· 14· And that no fornicator, effemiuate, thievtt, covUottJ, drunk,ards, reviltrJ, extortioncrr, murdererr, lyars. JhaU enter into, Br have aHy inherit~tnce in the Kingdom ofChrijt 1 .r Cor. 6. 9, 10. Ephef. 5· 4, 5, 6. Rev. 21o 27• & 12· 14, t 5· ·If you believe Chrifi, you mull believe that youcannotbefaved, unlefs you be converted. It isthe Devil and not Chrifi, thattellethyouyou may be pardoned and faved in an unholy unregenerate fiate: And it's fad, that men lhould believe the Devil, and nil this a Believing in Chrifi, and think to be faved for fo believing ! as if falfe faith and prcfumption pleafed God. Chrifi will not Cave men for believing a lye, and believing the Father of !yes before him: Nor will hefave all that arc confident they lhall be laved. Ifyou think yoQ have any part in Chrifi remember, Kom. 8. 9· If any man havt nolthe Spirit of Chrijl, the fame it non< of hit. , . CHAP. . i \'